The household maximizes his lifetime utility function according to $$ \max_{c_1, c_2} v(c_1, c_2) := \frac{1}{\beta(c_1)} \log c_1 + \log c_2 - A(c_1, c_2) $$ subject to $$ \beta(c_1) = \begin{cases} \beta_1 > 0 &\text{ and } A(c_1, c_2) = 0 & \text{ if } c_1 < \bar{c} \\ \beta_2 > \beta_1 &\text{ and } A(c_1, c_2) = \frac{\beta_2-\beta_1}{\beta_1\beta_2} \log c_2 & \text{ if } c_1 > \bar{c} \end{cases} $$ Budget constraint is $$ c_1 + \frac{c_2}{R_{t+1}} \leq w_t $$
- How did he derive the savings as follows $$ s_t = \begin{cases} \frac{\beta_1}{1+\beta_1} w_t & \text{ if } w_t \leq (1+\beta_1) \bar{c}, \\ w_t - \bar{c} & \text{ if } w_t \in \left[ (1+\beta_1)\bar{c}, (1+\beta_2)\bar{c} \right], \\ \frac{\beta_2}{1+\beta_2} w_t & \text{ if } w_t > (1+\beta_2) \bar{c} \end{cases} $$
- Is there any particular reason why he assumes $A = \frac{\beta_2-\beta_1}{\beta_1\beta_2} \log c_2$ when $c_1 > \bar{c}$?
This is section 3.1 of Azariadis (1996): The Economics of Poverty Traps Part One: Complete Markets in JEG.