Contrary to the common view, the physics is all about models, there are no such thing as law of nature, because every physical law has its applicability range and therefore all of laws as models. But any physical law derives from one principle - - any particle theroy (there are hundreds of them) is written as the model Lagrangian and then variational principle is applied to arrive at dynamical equations and observable quantities that can be corroborated in experiments.
My question is - is there similar approaches, theories, most general models in economics from which every other model or economic law can be applied. If there are such models, then the automation of economics can be achieved (assuming that the automation of mathematics will be completed, e.g. with project
I have heard definition - the economics is a tuple <...> but I can not remember the book or article or the content of this tuple. Usually such tuples contain t]general mathematical objects: sets of agents with preference functions, set of interaction mechanisms (market system, competition patterns (monopoly etc.)), sets of external shocks (endogeneous factors) and so on...
I am seeking more for literature references, trends, keywords, not exhaustive answer. I can further research question by my own, but I should be informed from where to start my efforts.
Macroeconomics can (and should) be derived from the microeconomics, therefore I am seeking the model that states first principles - general microeconomic model (from which the general macro models could also be derived in the best case).