I have the following question.
Currently I have an econometric model that uses an instrumental variable, particularly a Bartik instrument (which some people call shift-share). I'm proceding as Mayda et al. (2022) using two instruments for my low and high skilled immigrants, estimating my model with 2SLS. My model would look something like this: $$Y_{i t}=\delta_{i}+\delta_{t}+\beta_{L} \frac{L_{i t}}{P o p_{i t}}+\beta_{H} \frac{H_{i t}}{P o p_{i t}}+\varepsilon_{i t}$$ Being $i$ the municipality and $t$ the time (I also have two-way fixed effects). Currently, I have two instruments, one for each variable, but when I use them the F-statistic of the first-stage is low. However, I have seen that, if I include also the quadratic form of my two instruments, then the F-statistic is high enough. I wanted to ask if this is correct or if I shouldn't use this type of interaction in my model. Any reference is going to be useful.
Thank you for your time.