This is somewhat of a follow up question to Available code for computing solutions to matching algorithms?.
In the above question, I got great answers, but all of them were for R
I am now programming a lab experiment in otree, which means I am working with Python.
It is fairly easy to find code in python
solving matching problems using the Deferred Acceptance mechanism, but I wondered if anyone knew of python
code for some of the other common mechanisms in the literature. Specifically, I am looking for python
code for
- The Boston mechanism (aka. Immediate acceptance)
- The Top-trading cycle algorithm
In the best of the worlds, these codes would
- Be compatible with the school choice model (i.e. many-to-one matching problem in which agents in one side of the "market" can be matched to many agents on the other side)
- Allow for constrains on the lenght of the preference list agents can report (see
However, I would already be very happy with python
code for Boston and TTC, even if the two last features are not implemented.
. $\endgroup$