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Under what conditions would a quasilinear utility function in a function form exhibit diminishing marginal rate of substitution?

Let the utility function be: $U(x_1,x_2) = x_1 + x_2^\alpha$. Diminishing MRS requires $\frac{dMRS}{dx_1} <0$, however, taking this derivative results in 0, as $MRS = \frac{1}{\alpha x_2^{\alpha -1}...
Mathemafrick's user avatar
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Do standard consumer theory axioms rule out corner solutions?

By standard consumer theory axioms I mean (1) completeness, (2) transitivity, (3) continuity, (4) non-satiation, and (5) strict convexity of the indifference curves. If these axioms are not sufficient ...
Santiago Valdivieso's user avatar
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setting of Lagrangian function

Consider a simple consumer's problem: Max $u(X)$ s.t. $\sum_i^l p_i x_i\leq \sum_i^l p_i w_i$ $w$ is initial endowment. We can set the Lagrangian function to solve this problem. $L=u(X)+\lambda ( \...
martian03's user avatar
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When the global optimal is outside of the constraint set, what will be the demand?

$u:\mathbb R^n\to\mathbb R$ is a quasi-concave utility function so the indifference curves are convex. $a,b\in\mathbb R^n$ are two points. Our budget set is the (one-dimensional) segment $[a,b]$ that ...
High GPA's user avatar
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On demand functions and Engel curves

A consumer has utility function $U(x,y)=(x−2)y$, where $x≥2$ and $y≥0$. The price of $x$ is $P_x$, the price of $y$ is $P_y$ and the consumer's income is $I>2P_x$. ($x$ and $y$ do not have to be ...
Ethan Mark's user avatar
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Budget Constraint in Utility Maximisation Problem with Lagrange Multipliers

Lets say we have a utility function $U: \mathbb{R}^{2} \to \mathbb{R}$ given by $U(x,y)$ and a binding budget constraint $p_{x} x + p_{y} y = m$, where $p_{x}, p_{y}$ are prices of goods $x,y$ and $m$ ...
gtoques's user avatar
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Natural borrowing/debt limit and other borrowing constraints

When confronted with the simple household consumption maximization problem under uncertainty (and with Arrow security sequential trading) $$\max_{\{c_t(s^t),a_{t+1}(s^t,s_{t+1})\}_{t=0}^{\infty}}\...
erised's user avatar
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Show that First order conditions are necessary and sufficient for utility maximization

I have a budget set $$B=\{x=(x_1,x_2)\in R^2_+ \mid 2\sqrt{x_1}+x_2\le y\}$$ where $y>0$ is income. Assuming the preferences are strictly monotonic and convex, I want to show that first order ...
mnm123's user avatar
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Find Indifference curve/s and Marginal Rate/s of Substitution given only one point

Arka likes fries. She wants to consume as much as possible. She consumes either regular (1 oz) or large sizes (5 oz). Draw her indifference curve through $(x_R, x_L) = (10,0)$ and her indifference ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Constrained optimization for $u(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=\alpha \min \{a x_1, b x_2\} + \beta \min \{c x_3, d x_4 \}$ [duplicate]

Suppose preferences are represented by the following utility function \begin{equation} u(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=\alpha \min \{a x_1, b x_2\} + \beta \min \{c x_3, d x_4 \} \end{equation} Write the ...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
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Leontief preferences

I can solve most utility maximization problems using my mathematical knowledge .... but not when it comes to Leontief preferences. I do not have a book to lean on (am self-studying), so would really ...
John Gattner's user avatar