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Questions tagged [optimization]

Mathematical techniques for the selection of a best element (with respect to some criteria) from the set of available alternatives.

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3 answers

Constrained optimization problem

So for optimization problems we have only been given scenarios in which we can just solve by doing MRTS= -w/r and the quantity that wants to be produced is stated in the question. However I was given ...
j jose's user avatar
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Comparing amount of investment under two situations

I am studying the following problem - Investor has $1 and he has to split it between two assets. These are risk-free assets. Under scenario 1 - These are normal times so he don't have to worry about ...
Elina Gilbert's user avatar
2 votes
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Find the Pareto Efficient set for 3 Leontiefs

I'm struggling with the following General Equilibrium exercise: Find the Pareto Efficient set for this Pure Exchange Economy; The consumers are $i = 1,2,3$ with these Leontief utilities: $u_i(x_{1i},...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
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Nash Equilibrium as a Saddle Point

Consider the zero-sum game $A = \begin{bmatrix}5 & 3 \\ 4 & -3\end{bmatrix}$. The interpretation is that Row Player chooses a probability distribution over Top and Bottom $\vec x = \begin{...
user10478's user avatar
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Return to scale of a production function, $q = L^\lambda + K^\gamma$, is determining it possible in that general form?

Given the production function $q = L^\lambda + K^\gamma$, how do we determine the return to scale for different value of $\lambda$ and $\gamma$? I know we have to determine the homogeneous degree of ...
PoopyPoops's user avatar
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Under what conditions would a quasilinear utility function in a function form exhibit diminishing marginal rate of substitution?

Let the utility function be: $U(x_1,x_2) = x_1 + x_2^\alpha$. Diminishing MRS requires $\frac{dMRS}{dx_1} <0$, however, taking this derivative results in 0, as $MRS = \frac{1}{\alpha x_2^{\alpha -1}...
Mathemafrick's user avatar
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How to determine if a production function in a functional form has diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution?

For production function $q(L,K) = L^\lambda + K^\gamma$ The MRST is defined as $\frac{\lambda L^{\lambda-1}}{\gamma K^{\gamma-1}}$. Is it correct and sufficient to say that in order for MRTS to be ...
PoopyPoops's user avatar
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How to solve for demand?

Hi I am fairly new to these kinds of optimization problems and I am not clear how from equation (1) the authors derive the demand function for a drug j. I mean I think they used the Lagrangian and as ...
Lusian's user avatar
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Cost minimisation for the production function $f(L,K) = L^\lambda + K^\gamma$

For the function: $f(L,K) = L^\lambda + K^\gamma $. The value for $\lambda$ and $\gamma$ is not given. What type of production function is this (quasi-linear, CES)? Is it true for there to be ...
PoopyPoops's user avatar
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Looking for tools to model an economy (like the US) and the effect of changes such as Fed Interest rate or inflation

I am leaning toward a python solution and can work in a Win or Linux environment. I have looked into the area a bit and looked at some of the modelling efforts of the Federal Reserve and the "...
cswor's user avatar
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2 answers

Maximise Arbitrary Utility Subject to Budget Constraint

Suppose we have a general maximization problem of the form: $$\max_{q_1,q_2} U(q_1,q_2) \text{ subject to } p_1 q_1 + p_2 q_2 = y$$ Suppose I allow $U$ to be concave, increasing and invertible. What ...
Debreu's user avatar
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Convexity of indirect utility in probabilities

I am interested in the concavity in $p$ of the indirect utility function $$V(p,W)=max_{x,y,z} pf_1(x,y)+(1-p)f_2(x,z)$$ under the constraint $$x+py+(1-p)z=W$$ where $0<p<1$ and where $f_1,f_2$ ...
Seneleh's user avatar
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Breakeven analysis for computer upgrade decision making

I need to perform a break-even analysis of moving from one system design to another. Definitions $M_0, M_1$ = one-time initial manufacturing cost of currently deployed system design and new system ...
bd3lk's user avatar
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How to find marshallian demand for Leontief Utility with 3 goods. u(x 1 ​ ,x 2 ​ ,x 3 ​)=min{2x1 + x3, x2/2}

I have a utility function $$u(x_1, x_2, x_3) = \min \{2x_1 + x_3, x_2/2\} $$ I would have assumed that the relationship established is $2x_1 + x_3 = x_2/2$ but my solution manual has it as $$x_1 + ...
AnonGal's user avatar
3 votes
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A question on the optimisation problem and FWL theorem

Let's say we have the following model: $$(\beta^{\star},f^{\star}) := \arg\min_{\beta,f \in \mathcal{F}} \mathbb{E}[\left(Z_i - f(X_i, E_i) - \beta^\top \boldsymbol{\tau}_{i,E_i}\right)^2|S_i^{tr} = ...
Frédéric Chopin's user avatar
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Why is incidence not included in social welfare maximization?

I am very confused on why incidence is not included in social welfare maximization of one good. Typically, I see the optimization over price done something like this: $C$ ~ production cost function $...
EngineerinEcon's user avatar
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Help with Deriving Hicksian Demand in the Monocentric City Model?

I have a fairly standard Alonso-Muth-Mills model, but struggling to derive the Hicksian demand. Starting with the basic utility function: And this Budget Constraint: Housing Floor-space is ...
GWY's user avatar
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Do standard consumer theory axioms rule out corner solutions?

By standard consumer theory axioms I mean (1) completeness, (2) transitivity, (3) continuity, (4) non-satiation, and (5) strict convexity of the indifference curves. If these axioms are not sufficient ...
Santiago Valdivieso's user avatar
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A question about Lagrangian, KKT theorem, consumer's problem

Suppose we want to maximise a expected utility function: $$E_1(u(C_1,C_2,C_3)) $$ subject to following constraints. There are two possible situations each with probability $\frac{1}{2}$. $$C_1 + S_1 = ...
Nonenicht's user avatar
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Derivation of Euler Equation in presence of the Dixit-Stiglitz Aggregator

I reading the working paper of Sebastian Banz (2012). I have an issue with the derivation of the Euler equation. The author models the demand side of the economy as follows The representative consumer ...
Maximilian's user avatar
9 votes
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Cost Minimization and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker

A firm produces an output $y$ using two inputs $x_1$ and $x_2$, where the production function is given by $y = \sqrt{x_1 x_2}$ for any $(x_1, x_2) \in \mathbb{R}^2_+$. Union agreements obligate the ...
bruno's user avatar
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Proving quasi-concavity for a utility function

I have a utility function, and I want to prove that it is a quasi-concave function: $$ u(x_1,x_2)= 2x_1x_2+x_1+2x_2 $$ I do this by showing that the set of points where the utility is larger than or ...
Noah's user avatar
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Using lagrange on a quasi-concave utility function

A consumer has the following utility function $$u(x_1,x_2)=2x_1x_2+x_1+2x_2$$ I have maximized his utility function, and found its demand functions, for $x_1$ and $x_2$, using Lagrange. However, is it ...
Noah's user avatar
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Solving utility maximization, and finding demand function

A consumer has the following utility function $$u(x_1,x_2)=2x_1x_2+x_1+2x_2$$ I want to maximize his utility function. $$max: 2x_1x_2+x_1+2x_2. uc:p_1x_1+p_2x_2=y_A$$ Using Lagrange, I get $$L(x_1,...
Noah's user avatar
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When is argmax increasing in some multiplier of the objective function?

Let $f : R_+ \to [0,1]$ be continuously differentiable and strictly increasing with $f(0)=0, \lim_{x\to\infty}f(x)=1$ and let $c : R_+ \to R_+$ be continuously differentiable, strictly increasing, ...
raving-bandit's user avatar
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Irrelevance of Heterogeneous Agent Modelling

This is a question from a previous year PhD entrance exam. I have outlined how I have tried to tackle the problem as well: N.B. 1 This exam is of 100 points and this particular problem is of 25 points....
Kanooz's user avatar
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Intuition of sign used for Lagrange multiplier and corresponding constraint function in constrained optimization

It seems that in many applications there may be some economic interpretation for the Lagrange multiplier and thus it might be beneficial to ensure it's value takes on a specific sign. If the above is ...
hillard28's user avatar
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question about production optimization

the question is, if Q = AK^a(HL)^b and the parameters are: (A =100) (K = 10000$) (H = 1) (L = 100 person) (a = 0.5) (b = 0.5) P = 5 per unit, R = interest rate of 3 percent per year , W = 3 per ...
vyrlw's user avatar
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Does duality hold for u(x, y) = x^2 + y^2? (Corner solution)

Could you please help me evaluate this logic? I've been told that "if preferences are strongly monotonic, duality holds." In the case of utility u(x,y) = x^2 + y^2, we will get a corner ...
Martin's user avatar
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Modeling Approach to Adjust linear Elasticity Effect in Pricing Optimization

I am working on a pricing optimization model for a product where the price depends on the competition as well as our costs. The current formulation of the model is: ...
MarcM's user avatar
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Missing Solutions in KKT Optimisation Problem

In the attached inequality, constrained, optimisation, problem. Looking at the specific case where $\lambda_1 = 0, \lambda_2 > 0$ that I am trying to solve, you can see that I have managed to find ...
CormJack's user avatar
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Linear Dependence of Binding Constraint Qualifications in Karush-Kuhn-Tucker

When checking whether the CQ are satisfied in KKT, i.e. checking for Linear Independence amongst all combinations of the constraints. Is it true to say we only need to check combinations that could be ...
CormJack's user avatar
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Optimisation problem and KKT conditions (unsatisfied?)

I have to understand a thing about this exercise: find the minimum of $f(x, y) = (x-2)^2 + y$ subject to $y-x^3 \geq 0$, $y+x^3 \leq 0$ and $y \geq 0$. Now, I solved the problem quite easily in a ...
Henry's user avatar
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Why this optimisation problem cannot be solved with "usual" KT conditions?

I have this optimisation problem: $$f(x, y, z) = 2xy + yz \qquad \text{subject to} \qquad \begin{cases} x+y+2z \leq 1 \\ x \geq 0, y \geq 0, z\geq 0 \end{cases}$$ I solved it with "a certain ...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Why do multiple investment funds exist?

Say that you are a head of an investment fund. Your goal is to maximise the return on money entrusted to you by investing in various enterprises. You look to your left, and see another investment fund....
Iron filings's user avatar
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When is a value function twice differentiable?

Consider the optimization problem $$ V(\gamma) \ \equiv \ \max_x \ f(x,\gamma) \quad \text{s.t.} \quad g(x,\gamma) \leq 0 $$ Roughly, the Benveniste-Scheinkman theorem implies that if $f$ and $g$ are ...
John Sturm's user avatar
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How should I add my period by period constraint in lagrangian?

This question just suddenly comes to my mind, and I'm not sure what i'm thinking is correct: suppose I want to maximize my cumulative expected utility $E\left[ \sum_{t=0}^{T}\beta^tU(c_t) \right]$ by ...
Eileen's user avatar
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Finding the optimal trading strategy

Suppose there is one asset that you can buy and sell, and that you know what was the selling price and buying price at all times between times t0 and t1, both in the past. If you would have had an ...
user171780's user avatar
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Suppose $A$ is a $2x2$ matrix and ${\bf x}=(x_1, x_2)$. What does "$f(Ax)$ is supermodular" mean?

Suppose $A$ is a $2x2$ matrix, e.g., $A=\begin{vmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} \\ \end{vmatrix}$, and ${\bf x}=(x_1, x_2)$. Suppose $f()$ is continuous and twice differentiable. ...
opre's user avatar
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Cost function from a weighted CES production function

I want to find the cost function given the CES production function: $$ Y = F(x_1,x_2) = (\lambda x_1^ \rho+(1-\lambda)x_2^\rho)^\frac{1}{\rho} $$ with $0<\rho<1$. So far I have set up the ...
fabs's user avatar
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Assumption of interior solution in the Lagrangian method

Why do we need to assume an interior solution before using Lagrangian method for utility maximization problems?
Ranu Jain's user avatar
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Normalization for model comparisons

I have a time series applying the Markov Switching model, which is estimated in about 15 different versions. One or two of the time series had to be normalized in order to converge. That is 1-2 out of ...
David K's user avatar
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Profit maximization; how to derive

Can someone expalin me the math process step by step behind this? I haven't been able to figure it out and I cannot find anything in google
matias's user avatar
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Conditions for an interior solution to the UMP

I was wondering under what set of conditions one is allowed to assume an interior solution to the Utility Maximisation Problem. In most of my classes and lecture notes, interior solutions are assumed ...
TomUcl2003's user avatar
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Durable goods in a (two sector) necolassical growth model

i want to add a firm to a neoclassical growth model that produces a durable good which it rents out in each period to the consumers. Right now i'm using the following approach: The firm maximizes: $\...
mfba's user avatar
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FOCs for profit maximization using a transformation function

I'm (still) reading the microeconomics textbook of Mas-Colell et al. On p. 135, the profit maximization problem (PMP) for producers is introduced; characterizing the technology as $Y = \{ y \in \...
chsk's user avatar
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How do I show that the minimization problem has a solution?

Consider an inner product space $X$ with the induced metric $d$ (induced by the inner product). Suppose that the induced metric space $(X,d)$ is complete. Moreover, for all $x,y,z\in X$, $$[d(x,y)]^2+[...
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why is the MRS same for everyone?

If the consumers are optimizing and at interior solutions and facing the same prices, then the MRS=p1/p2 will be the same for everyone no matter the preferences and income. but why? I don't understand ...
tessa's user avatar
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help with nested integrals in common agency public goods paper

I'm trying to derive the example function used in a paper I am reading and am stuck. Please help. Below is the equation. For now, all I am requesting is someone to help me solve for p. More details ...
KatLeigh11's user avatar
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Help with a proof for an quite intuitive Utility optimization problem

Assume $U(x,y,a,c )= - c x + B(x,y,a)$, with $\frac{\partial B(x,y,a)}{\partial c }=0$, and with $a$ and $c\geq 0$ being parameters, and with $x$ and $y$ being variables. Further, $B(x,y,a)$ is ...
Paul's user avatar
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