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Economic growth in a DSGE model, despite mean-zero shocks

The DSGEs I've seen have steady-states, and mean-zero shocks. Can these predict growth in GDP / capital etc? Is this possible despite them being equilibrium models, or do you have to completely change ...
Mich55's user avatar
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Are business cycle fluctuations usually studied in a (New Keynesian) DSGE model, or can they also be studied in a growth model?

I wonder if business cycle fluctuations are usually studied in a (New Keynesian) DSGE model, or can they also be studied in a growth model?
Beck Batucada's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there any mainstream criticism of the Benes-Kumhof conclusion that the Chicago Plan would improve the US economy nowadays?

A 2012 IMF Working paper by Benes and Kumhof "The Chicago Plan Revisited " has this abstract, finding in favor of the Chicago Plan an all counts basically: At the height of the Great Depression a ...
fantastic peace and prosperity's user avatar
5 votes
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In economic modelling, how are we sure the linearized equilibria behave similarly to original equilibria?

The following problem is in the context of continuous time, although I suspect something could be said about discrete time also. Let's assume that we have the following equation: $$\dot x=f(x)$$ ...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar