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Questions tagged [eigenvalue]

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How can I compare degree of stability (or persistency) in two dynamic systems/models?

Let's say I have two dynamic VAR models for two countries. What is the best way to compare persistency or degree of stability in the two models. Use eigenvalues of the two systems?
Emmanuel Ameyaw's user avatar
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Visualising eigenvectors/values

This might seem like an odd question but seeing as I haven't had any formal education in solving ratex models yet, it is something I have been thinking about a lot recently. Consider the following ...
user11767's user avatar
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How can I write a conditional expectation of finite state markov process in matrix notation

NOTE: This question is related to the econometric method explored in the following two questions: Multiplicative factorization of stochastic growth time series--solving for an eigenfunction/...
jmbejara's user avatar
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4 votes
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Multiplicative factorization of stochastic growth time series--solving for an eigenfunction/eigenvector

I'm trying to understand the tools used/presented in Lars Hansen's Econometrica paper "Dynamic Valuation Decomposition within Stochastic Economies." In a part in the paper, Hansen introduces a long-...
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