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Find the Pareto Efficient set for 3 Leontiefs

I'm struggling with the following General Equilibrium exercise: Find the Pareto Efficient set for this Pure Exchange Economy; The consumers are $i = 1,2,3$ with these Leontief utilities: $u_i(x_{1i},...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
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how to derive marshallian demand functions from leontief preferences?

For only max or min problems, I understand we should proceed they are complements but for that type of function, how do we really get demand functions? should we graph but can this be done without a ...
Tatanik501's user avatar
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Perfect complement outputs with each output being composed of substitutable inputs

How does one solve the following maximization problem? $\underset{K_1, K_2, L_1, L_2}{\text{maximize }} min\{K_1 + L_1,K_2 + L_2\}$ subject to $c(K_1 + \mu K_2) + \beta c(L_1 + \mu L_2)$ where $c(...
damamaharaj's user avatar