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What assumptions can be made to ensure convexity in this optimization problem?

This question is a continuation of the question I asked at: How can I show convexity of this value function? Where I came to the conclusion that more assumptions are required to show that the ...
L. Johnson's user avatar
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How can I show convexity of this value function?

I have set up an optmization problem as follows: $$V(A)=\max_{l, C} \quad u(C,l)$$ Where the only constraint is as follows: $$C=f(l,A)$$ Here $u$ is the utility function which captures social welfare. ...
L. Johnson's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I formulate the following optimization problem?

I want to set up an optmiization problem for global warming in which a planner determines how much carbon dioxide gas is emitted. Let's say we reduce this problem down to two periods, then I ...
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Natural borrowing/debt limit and other borrowing constraints

When confronted with the simple household consumption maximization problem under uncertainty (and with Arrow security sequential trading) $$\max_{\{c_t(s^t),a_{t+1}(s^t,s_{t+1})\}_{t=0}^{\infty}}\...
erised's user avatar
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