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Became Hot Network Question

Who insures the FDIC in case of FDICit fails?

I understand that itthe Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) failing is unlikely, but itthe probability of such a failure is still the positive probability.

  In case ofthe FDIC fails, who covers the customers' losses? Will the Federal Reserve surely step in to print money to cover FDIC's ass?

Who insures FDIC in case of FDIC fails?

I understand that it is unlikely, but it is still the positive probability.

  In case of FDIC fails, who covers the customers' losses? Will Federal Reserve surely step in to print money to cover FDIC's ass?

Who insures the FDIC in case it fails?

I understand that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) failing is unlikely, but the probability of such a failure is still positive. In case the FDIC fails, who covers the customers' losses? Will the Federal Reserve surely step in to print money to cover FDIC's ass?

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Who insures FDIC in case of FDIC fails?

I understand that it is unlikely, but it is still the positive probability.

In case of FDIC fails, who covers the customers' losses? Will Federal Reserve surely step in to print money to cover FDIC's ass?