Denote $[r]\triangleq\{1,2,\ldots,r\}$.
Consider a game with $n$ players, $[n]$, each has $m$ strategies, $[m]$.
Each player $i$ has an associated payoff function, which considers only his selected strategy, and the number of players selected the same strategy: $$U_i:[m]\times[n]\to[0,1]$$
Furthermore, the utility function is monotonically decreasing in the number of players which picked the same strategy, i.e. $$\forall i\in[n],j\in[m],k\in[n-1]:U_i(j,k)\geq U_i(j,k+1)$$
Does this game always have a pure Nash equilibrium?
Can we (computationally) find it efficiently?
Notice that the special case, where all players are symmetric ($\forall i,j\in[n]: U_i\equiv U_j\equiv U$), the game reduces to an exact potential game and therefore is guaranteed to have a pure Nash equilibrium.
The potential function for the symmetric case would be, given a strategy profile $s$: $$\phi(s) = \sum_{j\in[m]}\sum_{k=1}^{\#_j(s)} U(j,k)$$
Where $\#_j(s)$ is the number of players in $s$ playing strategy $j$.