Does anyone of you could recommend me some good Macroeconomics and Microeconomics books based on your personal experience. I am an engineer and I do not have a background in Economics. I am planning to apply for a graduate school in Economics (MA if I am not qualified for a PhD as I already have a MSc in Engineering).
What would be the best way for me to learn some principles of economics and not to struggle if I get accepted into a graduate program while other graduate students have lots of experience and/or background in Economics? I just want to be on the same level with them at least during classes and be able to understand what is being given or taught.
I have looked it up on the internet, but people suggested all kind of books, but mostly intermediate and/or for those who already have background either in Economics or business related subjects. The future graduate programs want me to have a background in Microeconomics , Macroeconomics, and Econometrics at least...