Consider the utility function $u(x,y)$ and two budget constraints $B_1: px + qy = 1$ and $B_2 : p_1x + qy = 1$ where $p_1 < p$. If $(x^*, y^*)$ and $(x_1^*, y_1^*)$ maximize $u$ subject to $B_1$ and $B_2$ respectively, will it mean that $y_1^* \leq y^*$?
When the price of good $X$ falls, it is evident that $X$ will be consumed more and so $x_1^* > x^*$. I was wondering how $y^*$ is influenced and it seems $y_1^* \leq y^*$ but I am not sure. Any help will be appreciated. ^_^
Assume rationality and convexity.