Taking the habit formation model of consumption, as a standard dynamic programming problem.
Bellman Value Function for Habit Model
Max$\sum_{t=1}^Tβ^tu(c_t - γc_{t-1})$ $\qquad \qquad (1)$
s.t. $w_{t+1} = (1+r)(w_t + y_t - c_t)$,
Here $c_t$ is consumption at time $t$, $w_t$ are financial assets yielding constant net interest $r$, $y_t$ is labour income.
How would I determine the state variables. They are stated as $w_t$ and $c_{t-1}$ I believe this is because these change endogenously within the model, and they both impact future consumption. However I'm not satisfied with this answer, and i'm not 100% certain why $y_t$ isn't a state variable.
Discount Factor:
In general these models always end up with a Bellman Equation looking something like:
$V(w_t, c_{t-1}, t) = max_{c_t} {u(c_t, c_{t-1}) + β V(w_{t+1}, c_t, t+1)}$ $\qquad \qquad (2)$
$s.t. w_{t+1} = (1+r)(w_t + y_t - c_t)$
I understand how to derive the Bellman equation when we don't have a discount factor, but how do we derive the equation with a discount factor, particularly so that the $t$ power on $β$ goes away.
- Is my understanding of the model correct:
- $V(w_t, c_{t-1},t)$ is the value function, which represents the lifetime utility of an agent who starts with initial wealth from financial assets $w_t$ and previous consumption $c_{t-1}$ at time $t$ and makes optimal consumption decisions over their lifetime.
- $V(w_t, c_{t-1},t+1)$ is the value function for our $t+1$ up to time $T$ i.e. it captures the value from optimal decision making, working backwards from terminal time point $T$ .i.e. through backwards induction?
- Our problem is to maximise consumption decisions maximise value today as given by $u(c_t - γc_{t-1})$ and future value as given by $V(w_t, c_{t-1},t+1)$
- $u(c_t - γc_{t-1})$ is the utility function, which captures the instantaneous utility that an individual derives from consuming $c_t$ at time $t$, given their previous consumption $c_{t-1}$.
- $\beta$ is the discount factor, which determines the individual's time preference for consumption.