I've recently been reading through Mankiw's Macroeconomics, 7th edition.
In Chapters 3 & 4 describe the Classical theory, which pretty much exactly lines up with the model that Keynes outlined in Book One of the General Theory (although Keynes didn't explicitly disaggregate the government sector).
Equilibrium in the market for goods and services: the supply and demand for the economy's output
$$ \begin{array}{l} Y = C + I + G \\ \\ C = C(Y - T) \\ \\ Y = F(\bar{L},\bar{K}) = \bar{Y} \\ \\ \bar{Y} = C(\bar{Y} - \bar{T}) + I(r) + \bar{G} \\ \end{array} $$
Equilibrium in the financial markets: the supply and demand for loanable funds
$$ \begin{array}{l} I = Y - C - G \\ \\ S = (Y - T - C) + (T - G) = I \\ \\ Y - C(Y - T) - G = I(r) \\ \\ \bar{Y} - C(\bar{Y}-\bar{T} - \bar{G}) = I(r) \\ \\ \bar{S} = I(r) \end{array} $$
In Chapter 5, he introduces an open economy:
Let $r*$ be the world interest rate.
$$ \begin{array}{l} r = r* \\ \\ \end{array} $$
The supply side of the model is no different to how it is in chapter 3:
$$ \begin{align} Y = F(\bar{L},\bar{K}) = \bar{Y} \\ \end{align} $$
The demand side of the equation now introduces net exports:
$$ \begin{array}{l} Y = C + I + G + NX\\ \\ \bar{Y} = C(\bar{Y} - \bar{T}) + \bar{I}(r*) + \bar{G} + NX(\epsilon) \\ \end{array} $$
The primary channel that Mankiw uses to assess policy impacts is through the trade balance:
$$ \begin{array}{l} NX = Y - C - I \\ NX = \bar{S} - I(r*) \end{array} $$
Policies that increase or decrease savings will increase or decrease net exports.
"The impact of any policy on the trade balance can be determined by examining its impact on saving and investment."
I'm trying to reconcile this in my mind with the pre-Keynes classical theory, and this means thinking about how the price-specie mechanism would fit into Mankiw's model. (Chapter 12 will introduce the IS-LM-BP model, or the Mundell-Fleming model, which is the modern day version of the price specie mechanism, but that's a later theoretical development).
If $NX(\epsilon) \ge 0$ then capital outflows will cause a increase in the money supply as gold flows in the opposite direction into the economy (under a Gold Standard).
$$ \begin{array}{l} \uparrow{M}\bar{V} = \uparrow{P}\bar{Y} \\ \\ \Rightarrow \uparrow\epsilon = e.\frac{\uparrow{P}}{P*} \\ \end{array} $$ Given that $NX$ is a downward sloping function of $\epsilon$, this would cause $\downarrow{NX(\epsilon)}$. However, within Mankiw's system, where savings or investment lead net exports, this would require either a fall in savings or an increase in investment. In Mankiw's open economy model where $r*$ is fixed, it's not clear how this would mechanically happen.
If we assume a large enough economy whereby the export of savings affects the world interest rate, then $\downarrow{r*}$ leads to $\uparrow{I(r*)}$ which would close out our system, but this feels unsatisfying. Is there something I'm missing?