
I'm referring to the Figure 13.B.1 titled 'A competitive equilibrium with adverse selection' from 'Microeconomics Theory' by Mas Colel et al. It basically graphs the expected value of the workers' productivity ($E[\theta|r(\theta)\leq w])$ against the wage offered $w$ in an attempt to explain the wage equilibrium when the opportunity cost $r(\theta)$ is lower than $\theta$ for all $\theta$.. For the life of it, I cannot understand why this function is a curve (as opposed to straight line) in the graph. What is the distributional assumption for worker's type $\theta$ that is made in order to obtain the curve?



1 Answer 1


Suppose that $r'(\theta)>0$. The following figure should make clear that saying $r(\theta)\leq w$ is equivalent to saying that $\theta\leq r^{-1}(w)$ (where $r^{-1}(\cdot)$ is the inverse of $r$):

r as a function of theta

So we can rephrase your question as 'why should $E(\theta|\theta<r^{-1}(w))$ be non-linear?'

Let's calculate this expectation (assuming that $\theta$ is distributed on support $[\underline{\theta},\overline{\theta}]$ according to CDF $F$):

$$E(\theta|\theta<r^{-1}(w))=\frac{1}{F[r^{-1}(w)]}\int_\underline{\theta}^{r^{-1}(w)}\!\theta F'(\theta)d\theta.$$

For $E(\theta|\theta<r^{-1}(w))$ to be linear in $w$ we would need $\partial E(\theta|\theta<r^{-1}(w))/\partial w$ to be constant.

Differentiating with respect to $w$ we have $$\frac{\partial E(\theta|\theta<r^{-1}(w))}{\partial w}=\frac{F'[r^{-1}(w)]\frac{\partial r^{-1}(w)}{\partial w}\left[F[r^{-1}(w)]r^{-1}(w)-\int_\underline{\theta}^{r^{-1}(w)}\!\theta F'(\theta)d\theta\right]}{F[r^{-1}(w)]^2}$$

The above expression isn't the prettiest thing to look at, but a quick glance should convince you that it will only be constant under very special circumstances. For example, even if we take a highly linear environment like $r(\theta)=\theta$, $F(\theta)=\theta$, we have $$\frac{\partial E(\theta|\theta<r^{-1}(w))}{\partial w}=\frac{w^2+\underline{\theta}^2}{2w^2},$$ so $E(\theta|\theta<r^{-1}(w))$ is non-linear.


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