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Questions tagged [long-run]

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3 answers

Is it possible that the minimum point of a short run cost curve does not touch the long run cost curve?

In the answer to this question, the answerer said "the minimum point of a short run cost curve will be above the long run cost curve". Is it true? If so, how would it be so? I thought that if e.g. ...
Aqqqq's user avatar
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Can the stock market grow faster than GDP indefinitely?

My understanding of conventional wisdom is that average long-term growth of advanced economies is expected to be significantly lower than the average long-term growth of the value of the largest firms ...
Dan's user avatar
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Why isn't "long-run aggregate demand (or LRAD)" a thing?

To give you a sense of where I am in my understanding of economics, I've just learned about long-run aggregate supply in the neoclassical/monetarist view as a vertical curve. It occurred to me why ...
Pineapple Fish's user avatar