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Fundamental knowledge about invest, stock and economics for self learning [closed]

I am not expertised in the field of economics and stock so I do not know anything about invest. Would anyone please recommend any book/textbook for the initial leaner to get understanding of all these ...
Kieran's user avatar
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Calculating profit from price and cost

For a given item, if we know that the equilibrium price is 400 and the cost of manufacturing quantity $x$ of the item is $2x^3+900$, then how can I find the profit? My initial thoughts are that this ...
FD_bfa's user avatar
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Does treasury pay interest+ face value to the fed?

heard all the profit that the fed makes goes into treasury.. does that mean the treasury department can make unlimited money buy selling bonds to the fed? like if they issue bond to people, and the ...
isaac kim's user avatar
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How does fed cutting federal fund rate affect student loan

If fed cuts rate, it means it's cutting federal fund rate right? then why do loans like credit card and stuend loan? those aren't like Mortgage rate which the fed cuts its rate by buying MBS
isaac kim's user avatar
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mortgage rate in 2008 [closed]

if banks and finanfial entity paniced, which cause people to stop lending which leads to higher interest rate, how did the mortage rate stayed the same in 2008? it barely dropped. It's kind of ...
isaac kim's user avatar
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By buying stocks, am I as an individual measurably affecting the economy?

I know that participating in an IPO is directly helping the company, because my money is going straight into their bank account. I know that the stock market as a whole has an effect on the economy. ...
The Guy with The Hat's user avatar