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Fehr-Schmidt, Ultimatum game, Subgame-Perfect Nash Equilibrium

I'm studying the different variations of the ultimatum games. I've spent some time on this following game: Assume now that each player does not only care about the amount of money she receives, but ...
Justin Malik's user avatar
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Is the Nash product really maximised ex post?

In my game theory class this term, we studied Nash bargaining. It is only now when starting to prepare for the exam that I have come to realise there is something I fundamentally don't understand, and ...
Jhonny's user avatar
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Asymmetric Nash Bargaining

The Nash bargaining solution selects the unique solution to the maximization problem $\max_{s_1, s_2 } (s_1 - d_1) (s_2 - d_2)$ such that the solution satisfy the following axioms : Invariance ...
Kamel Ismaël's user avatar
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Take It Or Leave It Strategy: Social Optimum

Here is what I understood Using Backward Induction, I inferred that buyer offers a price, say, $P$ and the seller will sell only if $P \geq c(I)$. Setting the lowest possible Price that will ensure ...
S.Rana's user avatar
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Disagreement in Strategic Bargaining

Construct a pair of startegies for the ultimatum game ($T=1$ bargaining game), that constitutes a Nash Equilibrium and together support the outcome that there is no agreement reached by the two ...
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