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To what extent can cryptocurrencies be influenced by monetary policy?

Background In modern economies, at least up until ~10 years ago, it was assumed that a currency would be technically able to be subjected to monetary policy, that is, where more money is created or ...
stevec's user avatar
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Velocity of M1 versus M2 money

According to Pablo Kurlat's textbook on Macroeconomics, the graph of Ch 13 compares the velocity of M1 and M2 over the years. I don't understand why M1 velocity exceeds M2 even though M2 includes more ...
Frodo Baggins's user avatar
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What is the effect of expansionary fiscal policy in case liquidity trap situation?

I've read that liquidity trap means interest rate is at its minimum and increase in real money stock will not lead to fall in interest rate because people will be demanding whatever the amount is ...
Shoaib Ashraf's user avatar
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Why is money super neutral in Brunnermeier and Sannikov's I theory of money?

I'm wondering why money is super neutral in Brunnermeier and Sannikov's "I-theory of money", but is not super neutral in their 2016 AER paper "On the optimal inflation rate". In the I-theory of money,...'s user avatar
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