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Questions tagged [quantity-theory-of-money]

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why is money super neutral in Brunnermeier and Sannikov's I theory of money?

I'm wondering why money is super neutral in Brunnermeier and Sannikov's "I-theory of money", but is not super neutral in their 2016 AER paper "On the optimal inflation rate". In the I-theory of money,...'s user avatar
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Who profits from monetary expansion?

Is my understanding correct: In history (ancient, medieval) money was directly created by governments, therefore any monetary expansion meant 100% net profit for government, which could be used to ...
Prokop Hapala's user avatar
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How can I determine if a token economic is viable?

Given a system where you incentivize people to do actions in a system, we might have good and bad actors. I would like to know if there is a software or framework where I could put the different <...
David's user avatar
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Static and Dynamic models: Testing the Quantity Theory of Money

The quantity theory of money is stated as a simple equation which states that the general price level of goods and services is directly proportional to the amount of money in circulation. This is ...
EconJohn's user avatar
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What does the introduction and expanded availability of credit cards do to money velocity?

Consider the quantity theory of money: $MV=PY$. "Consider an example of a demand shock: the introduction and expanded availability of credit cards. Because credit cards are often a more convenient way ...
Kun's user avatar
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Is There an rNPV Model Relating Money Supply, Total Wealth and Money Velocity?

It seems sensible that the supply of constant-value units of fiat money should roughly correspond to the total wealth of the jurisdiction's economy, in the same sense that an on-demand gold ...
James Bowery's user avatar
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Who first described/coined “velocity” of money?

Restatement: Who is responsible for originating the term “velocity” to describe the rate of money circulation? Also, who is responsible for first discussing this rate, specifically? Background: While ...
Dio's user avatar
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Difference between IS curve viewed by Keynes and by Friedman

In my economics lectures, we are going through Keynes vs Friedman. As far as I got we have a downward sloping IS curve in the IS-LM model. We get this curve from the Keynesian cross when the rate of ...
Mike's user avatar
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The cantillon Effect asumes that money is not nutral right?

I am a austrian high school student and as a part of our final exams we have to write a small scintific paper. I decided to write about the Cantillon Effect and its implications and realised that ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to calculate velocity of money when some people make long-term savings?

Bob gets paid every month and lives paycheck-to-paycheck, so for Bob's money velocity is 12 (assuming that there is nobody else in the economy). Al gets paid every two weeks and lives paycheck-to-...
KarmaPeasant's user avatar
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Would taxing money owned (as a share of purchasing power) be a better form of taxation?

Consider a nation whose money is entirely digital (like Bitcoin), but centralized (unlike Bitcoin). Furthermore, the total money supply is fixed, i.e. money cannot be created nor destroyed. To be ...
Félix Poulin-Bélanger's user avatar