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6 answers

Can an economy grow without its population growing?

Assuming natural resources are not a limiting factor, can a country's economy keep growing if the country's population is not growing? What about the global population?
Sparkler's user avatar
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Ok to normalize GDP change by population change?

Does it make sense to normalize change in real GDP by the contemporaneous change in population? I'm interested in this calculation for the following reason. Suppose real GDP increases. I'd like to ...
HadiTaheri's user avatar
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Is there an economic argument against mass immigration?

(I know little about economics, so I'd appreciate an elementary explanation) Background for this question is that I was wondering what makes people say China's economy will keep growing while its ...
Allure's user avatar
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What is the relationship between population growth and economic growth?

Population Growth is only one of several factors of influence on economic growth but it is not strictly necessary for the economy to grow. I have also heard of the term called the population bonus - ...
Marcos Valadares's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there any index which relates population growth rate with food production growth rate?

I would like to know if there is an index which shows if food production growth is keeping pace with population growth worldwide. I know there are population growth rates available, for example for ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Derivation from Solow-type neoclassical growth equation?

In Chapter 6 of the 12th edition of "Economic Development" by Michael P. Todaro & Stephen C. Smith, an equation is introduced to illustrate the consequences of rapid population growth, ...
David Roberts's user avatar