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Profit Maximizing with a competitive fringe

I have this question: Your business is the dominant firm but there exists a competitive fringe. The competitive fringe produces with total cost: $\; c_𝑓(q_f) = 3𝑞_f$. There have also been some ...
John Phillip's user avatar
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Monopoly markets

A monopoly can produce any output level at a constant marginal (and average) cost of θ per unit. Assume the monopoly sells its goods in two markets separated by some distance. The demand curve in the ...
abc's user avatar
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2 answers

Violation of the zero-profit condition

Suppose a perfectly competitive firm has cost function $C(q) = 40 + 0.5q + 0.05q^2$. If the market price is $p = 8$, the profit made is maximized at $MR = MC \implies 8 = 0.5 + 0.1q \implies q^{*} = ...
Rick_Morty's user avatar
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Perfect competition allocations

Suppose the market demand is $P(Q) = \alpha - \beta(Q)$ where $Q = \sum q_1$. Variable $q_i$ denotes the output of the $i$th firm and $Q$ is the total output. The marginal cost for each firm is $c$. ...
Rick_Morty's user avatar
8 votes
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How can we explain quantity competition and price taking?

Note: This is a question on the didactics of microeconomics, directed to those of you who have some experience teaching this subject. When I studied the basic principles of microeconomics, a price-...
VARulle's user avatar
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Literature recommendation on market microstructure (real estate, car, etc.)

I am very interested in secondary-market-related research topics. Especially, from the micro-level, e.g., starting from the utility function of consumers. I want to understand how to model rational ...
KevinKim's user avatar
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Will there always be excess profit in the Cournot model equilibrium/monopoly

So I'm studying market structures for the end of term, and I'm a bit confused about excess profits. From what I can see, excess profits occur when the demand curve intersects the AC curve - the MR=MC ...
Evan's user avatar
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Theoretical models of copyright infringement and efficiency implications

I wanted to know if there are theoretical models of copyright infringement and what are their implications for efficiency in the market and also, if possible, any empirical support they have. When I ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
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How did Cowen and Tabarrok calculate the probability of Hewlett-Packard sales?

The discussion on prediction markets in the chapter on the price system in Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok's Modern Principles of Economics, Second Edition (pp. 123-124) contains the following ...
Ray Bradbury's user avatar
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Order-driven vs quote-driven markets

What is the difference between order driven and quote driven markets? Is there any theoretical microstructure book that gives the intuition behind the types of markets with respect to the orders that ...
Hunger Learn's user avatar
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Why do two-sided marketplaces often charge both sides of the transaction?

Why do marketplace apps often charge both sides of the transaction, when charging one side could raise as much (or more) revenue and be simpler? i.e. if the marketplace knows which side of the market ...
dss's user avatar
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Increase in the price of skateboard wheels cause a decrease/no change in the demand of skateboards? (2 separate markets w/ 2 separate buyers)

Would an increase in the price of skateboard wheels cause a decrease/no change in the demand of skateboards? (2 separate markets with 2 separate buyers) Note: I'm going to be mainly focused on the ...
user avatar
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Remove Linear Good From Quasi-linear Utility Function

Given a quasi-linear utility function: $u(x_1, x_2) = f(x_1) + \beta x_2$, $\beta > 0 $ What would happen if good 2 ($x_2$) is removed from the market? Would the new utility function be: $u(x_1) =...
Pycruncher's user avatar
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Lerner Index Interpretation?

How do you interpret the Lerner Index? I ask because at Uni. we have been told that, for monopoly, when the producer max. his profit, he sets the price such as the demand is elastic and the lerner ...
ada109's user avatar
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Competitive vs complete and non-competitive vs incomplete marekts

The very insightful questions that arise, when someone studies micro foundation are the following: What is the difference between competitive and complete marekts? When we refer to the first is it ...
Nav89's user avatar
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Why is the price of books set by the manufacturer rather than the distributor?

For almost all manufactured goods which the manufacturer doesn't sell directly to the end consumer, the manufacturer sells to a distributor, and the distributor is then free to resell the good to the ...
tparker's user avatar
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What happens in a bartering system when a resource is plentiful but cannot be paid for?

Here is a hypothetical scenario: Let's say there are two tribes which barter goods. Tribe A has an fairly large amount of fish, but no bricks. Tribe B has an extreme abundance of bricks, but no ...
moe's user avatar
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Stock vs flow variables

How could I decide from a variable exactly, that is stock or flow type? Variables, which are measured at a point of time are ...
plaidshirt's user avatar
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Resources for periodical economics feed [duplicate]

I'm learning economics and I want to read/hear the world through the lenses of any economist. What are the best periodical economics news feeds? It could Magazines such as Podcast ...
Filip's user avatar
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What are some applications of Akerlof's 'lemons' in goods and services markets?

How can the idea of Akerlof's 'lemons' be applied to goods and services markets (that doesn't include second-hand cars)?
staircase's user avatar
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Would you consider airport parking to be a monopoly or a monopolistic market?

If you look at it one way and group the different companies that offer parking, it could be a monopoly as that is the only place you can park. On the other hand, the different companies offer ...
rra117's user avatar
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Is the marginal cost the same for every firm in a perfectly competitive market?

Spin-off from: market equilibrium quantity $\ne$ firm profit maximising quantity? Consider a perfectly competitive market with equilibrium price $P_{eq}$ and quantity $Q_{eq}$ and firm with profit ...
BCLC's user avatar
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market equilibrium quantity $\ne$ firm profit maximising quantity?

Consider a perfectly competitive market with equilibrium price $P_{eq}$ and quantity $Q_{eq}$ and firm with profit maximising quantity $Q_f$ as illustrated below: I guess any firm in the market would ...
BCLC's user avatar
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What is the difference between 'actual' and 'potential' interaction between buyers and sellers?

In the book "Microeconomics" by Pyndyck and others, the author(s) define a 'market' as a collection of buyers and sellers, who by the actual or potential interaction with each other determine the ...
WorldGov's user avatar
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Benefits of a cartel among firms

Suppose I have $n>2$ firms selling differentiated products. These firms form a cartel for the price. The cartel has size $n_c$. Let $\pi_{i,m}$ be the payoff of a firm $i$ outside the cartel and $\...
Star's user avatar
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