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2 answers

Utility maximization question setting up.

Consider a consumer whose preferences can be represented by the following utility function: $$u(x_1,x_2)=\dfrac{x_2}{(1+x_1)^2}.$$ Assume the agent's income is $y=5$. The price of one unit ...
studentp's user avatar
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Determining the elasticity of Hicksian Demands

If we have Hicksian (compensated) demand functions, how can we determine the income elasticity and own price elasticity? Is the procedure the same as for Marshallian (uncompensated) demands?
Colin's user avatar
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Reservation utility

I am self-studying contract theory using Bolton and Dewatripont (2005). It is meant for grad students, which might be why I am having a difficult time understanding basic terminology. Here is the ...
user11767's user avatar
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Optimal taxing in case of negative externalities

Suppose an individual $i$ has the utility function $U= f(x(i)) - k$(sum of all $x$ with index not equal to $i$) Where $x(i)$ denotes the miles driven by $i$, and $k$ is a positive constant. The ...
Arshdeep's user avatar
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Indirect changes in Marshallian Demand

Suppose we have a Cobb-Douglas utility function: $$U(x,y)=x^\alpha y^\beta$$ and a budget constraint: $$p_{x}x+p_{y}y=I$$ where $\alpha+\beta=1$. It can be shown that the Marshallian demand for $x$ ...
Omrane's user avatar
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Mythbusters - Determine optimal boarding strategy based on time and satisfaction score

Most airlines board passengers starting from the back of the plane and then working their way towards the front (after boarding priority classes and passengers). In an episode of Mythbusters, Adam ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Find Indifference curve/s and Marginal Rate/s of Substitution given only one point

Arka likes fries. She wants to consume as much as possible. She consumes either regular (1 oz) or large sizes (5 oz). Draw her indifference curve through $(x_R, x_L) = (10,0)$ and her indifference ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Constrained optimization for $u(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=\alpha \min \{a x_1, b x_2\} + \beta \min \{c x_3, d x_4 \}$ [duplicate]

Suppose preferences are represented by the following utility function \begin{equation} u(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=\alpha \min \{a x_1, b x_2\} + \beta \min \{c x_3, d x_4 \} \end{equation} Write the ...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Why couldn't the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimization find the solution?

I have the following utility maximization problem: $$\max (xy)$$ $$(x+y-2)^2 \leq 0$$ Conditions: $$y-2\lambda (x+y-2) =0$$ $$x-2\lambda (x+y-2) =0$$ $$\lambda(x+y-2)^2=0$$ When I set $\lambda>0$, ...
Übel Yildmar's user avatar
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Can be the duality theorem applied to not locally non-satiated utility functions?

I have the following not locally non-satiated utility function: $$U(x,y)=-(x-1)^2-(y-2)^2$$ where $U(x,y): \, \!R^n_+ \rightarrow \!R $ The 3D plot of this function is an infinite paraboloid; ...
Übel Yildmar's user avatar
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Optimizing Cobb-Douglas like functions

Economics isn't my home field, but I'm looking for references for a paper I'm working on and I'm hoping one of you can help. Are there many good references for optimizing a Cobb-Douglas like utility ...
JoelNish's user avatar
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Leontief preferences

I can solve most utility maximization problems using my mathematical knowledge .... but not when it comes to Leontief preferences. I do not have a book to lean on (am self-studying), so would really ...
John Gattner's user avatar
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Optimization of Households' utility in " Rule-of-Thumb Consumers and the Design of Interest Rate Rules " (Gali et al., 2004)

I can't figure out how the calculation of first order conditions was carried out. I can't figure out where the stochastic discount factor came from.
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