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Difference between 'Internal Debt' and 'Market Loans' in RBI public debt statistics

While perusing RBI public debt statistics, I am at my wits end in trying to figure out the table headers. I am unable to sum up any combination of them to get any other. Specifically, what is the ...
Ritesh Singh's user avatar
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How does QE effect the collaterals?

For instance, the ECB accepts green bonds as collateral. And also they are more likely to include green bonds in a QE program. Does this face make a green bond more valuable? How would it work in a ...
curiousTrader's user avatar
27 votes
14 answers

Why do banks take deposits if they do not need them to make loans?

I have taken some economics courses in university, where I was introduced to fractional-reserve banking. From my understanding, in fractional-reserve banking, the bank has motivation to encourage ...
Flux's user avatar
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Is it possible to repay the world debt? If not, why do we care?

Let me apologize if my questions sound stupid to experts. I have no training in economics. I am just curious and puzzled. I couldn't find any answer to the questions below. As far as I have ...
alec_djinn's user avatar
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How have central banks been injecting currency after crises since 2007?

In an article by Jean-Michel Naulot about the 2007–2008 financial crisis, I read (my translation): Although central banks had an exemplary reaction at the time of the [2007–2008] crisis, they ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Purchase of the public debts by the ECB

In France, one of the presidential candidate said that the European Central Bank should purchase the public debts of the country and transform it into a perpetual debt (this is a literal translation, ...
Florian Martinelli's user avatar
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Could a hike in interest rates cause a country to be unable to pay back it's debt burden?

Sometimes I read in news articles, that a central bank can't hike the interest rates much higher, because then the government would be unable to pay the interest rate burden of it's government debt. ...
eztam's user avatar
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How much leverage has the Federal Reserve taken on today (Jan 2016)? What makes you most nervous about the future? Debt. The idea that growth will ...
curious's user avatar
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