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Questions tagged [climate-change]

Questions on the economics of climate change, including the economics of mitigation and the economics of adaptation.

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Market failure, absence of a market and climate change

In their publication Carbon Conundrum, Philip Booth and Carlo Stagnaro write as follows (p 16): Global warming was described ... by Stern ... as the biggest market failure the world has ever seen. ...
Adam Bailey's user avatar
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Seeking Insights for MSc Dissertation on EU's CBAM Impact on India: Challenges and Opportunities for Collaboration

Hello Economics Community, I'm currently in the process of designing my MSc Economics dissertation and would greatly appreciate your insights. My focus is on the European Union's Carbon Border ...
Zubiya Moin's user avatar
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How to combine different pollutants into a common measure?

I'm examining several pollutant variables -- like CO2, lead, NOX etc -- and wondering how I can weight them appropriately to have some kind of comparability. Not all pollutants are equally bad for the ...
cel's user avatar
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Does the Carbon footprint of a person include the air one breathes?

The definition (according to Wikipedia who quotes Wright, Kemp and Williams) is: A measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions of a defined population, system or ...
Schottky's user avatar
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International Spillovers of environmental policies

I'm trying to put together a literature review of papers tackling the international spillovers of environmental policies, particularly theoretical contributions. I haven't been able to find much. Any ...
cel's user avatar
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Are they CO2 emission factors for primary energy consumption?

I'm searching for CO2 emission factors for primary energy consumption. What I mean by that is a table like the one below. Primary Energy CO2/kWh Coal . Oil . Natural Gases . Nuclear . ... . For ...
Anthony Couthures's user avatar
3 votes
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Why does William Nordhaus' preferred discount rate differ from that of the Heritage Foundation and the 2003 OMB?

William Nordhaus, the designer of the DICE integrated climate and economic model, in the most recent estimate I can find, suggests a discount rate of 4.25% per year: With the current calibration, the ...
Philip Meyer's user avatar
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Adding an energy sector to Nordhaus's RICE model

This is a follow-up question: Modelling effect of renewable energy investment on GDP (via integrated assessment models) I'm interested in adding an energy sector to Nordhaus's RICE model. Has there ...
Puraṭci Vinnani's user avatar
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Modelling effect of renewable energy investment on GDP (via integrated assessment models)

I'm interested in modelling the effects of renewable energy investments and fossil fuel plant closures on the GDP using an energy-economy model of America's economy (eg. Nordhaus's RICE). Any ...
Puraṭci Vinnani's user avatar
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Effect on Price of Emissions Permits of Progressively Reducing the Cap on Emissions in an Emissions Trading Scheme

Suppose that, in order to address climate change, a country has an emissions trading scheme comprising the following elements: The scope of the scheme is defined to include most industries that ...
Adam Bailey's user avatar
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Why we’d need carbon tax when we have nuclear plants?

Why would we ever need a carbon tax to reduce our emissions ? Isn’t it simpler and less painful for a country to have its State invest massively in nuclear plants or renewable energy to produce non ...
BAL's user avatar
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Is there a consensus that carbon prices are poor at driving investment?

A post dated 2017 by Skillings on the website of E3G, a think tank focusing on the political economy of climate change, refers (in the 5th paragraph) to: "recent emerging consensus that, whilst ...
Adam Bailey's user avatar
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Help me find again a paper I saw which calculated a high social cost of carbon

A month or two ago I came across a paper which calculated the social cost of carbon taking into account that less well off countries would be disproportionately affected by climate change, leading to ...
quantropy's user avatar
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References about environmental economics

do you know any textbook, or any website providing free lectures or lecture notes, or anything, that would introduce me to environmental economics? I have a master in economics so I am not against ...
BAL's user avatar
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Did William Nordhaus exclude 87% of economic industries from his climate change analysis?

Economist Steve Keen published in article in 2020 titled, The appallingly bad neoclassical economics of climate change. In it, he alleges that climate economists such as William Nordhaus and Richard ...
Matthew Barnett's user avatar
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If renewable energy is now cheaper than non-renewable energy, why are we still worried about the climate?

From a recent Our World In Data post, For the world to transition to low-carbon electricity, energy from these sources needs to be cheaper than electricity from fossil fuels. Fossil fuels dominate ...
Matthew Barnett's user avatar
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How can I use national accounts to estimate individual carbon footprints?

It’s easy to compute per capita greenhouse gas emissions for a country. I’d like to determine the proportion of this that is under the control of individual consumers, in the sense that they can ...
critical science's user avatar
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Is there evidence that non-profits might have a tax or other competitive advantage in competing with for-profit corporations?

Lets say my non-profit's interest is to diminish co2 emissions in the city. Are there useful forms of putting that tax money for better use and gaining competitive advantage against other for-profit ...
Yos's user avatar
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Too much of a good thing - examples of production (or utility) functions that are initially increase in a factor and then decrease

I'm attempting to build a spatial model that estimates labour distributions after climate change impacts agricultural production. The key point to note is that some rainfall is good, and some ...
Ste Rose's user avatar
4 votes
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Are businesses and individuals buying clean / green / renewable energy contribute to slowing down the climate change?

I'm not sure if an individual choosing a "green energy supplier" is making any difference. My (potentially naive, uneducated) logic is as follows: ...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
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Do property values capture producer choice in agriculture?

I am interested in conducting research into how climate change impacts the social welfare of a country, particularly how it affects producers of agricultural product. My immediate thought was that as ...
Brennan's user avatar
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Universal carbon price

To pre-face this, I am not an economist by education. Recently I have read a significant number of policy papers concerning climate change that make the claim, a priori, that a universal carbon price ...
hmmmm's user avatar
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Are there any drawbacks to a hypothetical climate policy?- Carbon tax for reducing Income tax

Disclaimer: I do not have a formal education in economics Here is the idea of my hypothetical policy: graduated over a period, say about 10 years or longer, the income tax is phased out and a carbon ...
BarocliniCplusplus's user avatar
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Has the "dismal theorem" practical implications?

The so-called "dismal theorem" asserts that we do not appropriately account for catastrophic scenarios which have very small probability of occurrence. It has been studied in details by Martin's ...
Hector's user avatar
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Indirect Impacts Of The Netherlands Cutting Greenhouse Emissions?

On 24 June 2015, the Dutch District Court in The Hague ruled that the government must put policies in place to deliver, by 2020, cuts in the country's greenhouse gas emissions of at least 25%, ...
Sampark Sharma's user avatar
7 votes
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What is William Nordhaus' contribution to the economics of climate change?

I'm trying to understand more about the economic repercussions of climate change. I'm unfamiliar with the specifics of the work of William Nordhaus, but it's been predicted in several instances that ...
jmbejara's user avatar
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