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Durable goods in a (two sector) necolassical growth model

i want to add a firm to a neoclassical growth model that produces a durable good which it rents out in each period to the consumers. Right now i'm using the following approach: The firm maximizes: $\...
mfba's user avatar
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Expected value in budget constraint

I have been reading this paper by Yang Liu, Lukas Schmid and Amir Yaron, which contains a very elegant mechanism that generates an endogenous liquidity premium for US government debt. However, I got ...
Wittgenstein's Poker's user avatar
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Optimization Model for Market Clearing using Uniform Pricing

Dear all, can someone please share a simple example for market clearing via Uniform Pricing using an Optimization Model? I am trying to simulate a market using bid values with quantity and price, from ...
Marmik Pancholi's user avatar
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2 dimensional optimization using fminsearch

I have a complicated capital - debt capital structure optimization problem but to start off simple I just added an extra parameter to the stochastic neoclassical growth model to see how the ...
user41131's user avatar
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Utility maximization across yield curves?

I'm attempting to solve a utility maximization problem for return-on-investment (ROI) across two different products, where each product experiences a different linear ROI curve. For product one, the ...
EBS's user avatar
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What assumptions can be made to ensure convexity in this optimization problem?

This question is a continuation of the question I asked at: How can I show convexity of this value function? Where I came to the conclusion that more assumptions are required to show that the ...
L. Johnson's user avatar
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How can I show convexity of this value function?

I have set up an optmization problem as follows: $$V(A)=\max_{l, C} \quad u(C,l)$$ Where the only constraint is as follows: $$C=f(l,A)$$ Here $u$ is the utility function which captures social welfare. ...
L. Johnson's user avatar
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How can I formulate the following optimization problem?

I want to set up an optmiization problem for global warming in which a planner determines how much carbon dioxide gas is emitted. Let's say we reduce this problem down to two periods, then I ...
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Necessary conditions in overlapping generations model (OLG)

The consumer at each period maximizes \begin{equation} \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{I}\beta^{i-1}U(c^i_{t+i},l^i_{t+i}) , t=0,1,2,3,... \end{equation} subject to \begin{equation} (1+\eta_t)c^{i}_t+...
Franciscolli's user avatar
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Solve the Ben-Porath Model (Optimal Control Problem)

Suppose we have a Ben-Porath style human capital investment model, in which the representative agent maximize her lifetime earnings: $$V(h, a)=\max \int_{a}^{R} e^{-r(t-a)}\left[ w h(t)(1-n(t))-px(t)\...
Alalalalaki's user avatar
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Solving a HJB with additional constraints on control and state variables

I am trying to solve a Hamiltonian-Jacobi-Bellman equation with additional constraints on the state and control variables, but I am a bit confused on how to do that. In Intrilligator 2002, it is ...
Mr. Fafa's user avatar
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Solving a HJB with a probability to transit to a new state

I am trying to solve the problem of a firm facing the possibility of a future tax, in continuous time. The firm maximizes $V(k)=\int_{t=0}^{\infty}e^{-rt} \pi_t dt$ with $\pi_t=f(k_t)-i_t$ and $\dot{k}...
Mr. Fafa's user avatar
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Expectational stability: adaptive learning of RE equilibria in dynamic systems

There are two steps in the explanation of the expectational stability concept by Evans and Honkapohja (2001) (see below) that I don't understand. Step 1. What does this formula below mean, ...
Beck Batucada's user avatar
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Dynamic programming, optimal consumption-savings (finite horizon) problem

Let $w_t$ denote a consumer's wealth at time $t$ and $c_t$, the amount she chooses to consume, so her savings exiting this time period are $w_t-c_t$. Given this savings decision, her savings $w_{t+1}$ ...
Nav89's user avatar
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Maximization problem FOC and Euler equation

Can someone please help me with the Lagragian and the derivation of the following objective function ? Beneath I provide the objective function, the constraint and the Euler equation that results from ...
Kamel Ismaël's user avatar
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What is the "bequest condition" in a finite-horizon discrete optimization problem?

For a finite-horizon discrete time optimization problem, my textbook provides a condition called the "bequest condition", which I'm not familiar with. Specifically, where the state at time $t$ is ...
David's user avatar
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Price optimization with demand forecast

I have one year sales data of a retail company and lets say I am forecasting the next month sales for the product. I have got the sales using time series in R. Now I want to forecast the price as well....
Abhishek Singh's user avatar
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Dynamic demand model in many good competitive markets and price optimization

This is a question about demand models, price optimization, dynamic pricing, big data, online learning, so I will cross-post in other communities. $\mathbf{Background}$ I am interested in dynamic ...
VictorZurkowski's user avatar
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Monetary policy optimization

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice / lectures / introduction to stochastic optimization that could be applied to monetary policy. I have heard of the Dynamic stochastic general ...
Alexis L.'s user avatar
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Dynamic optimization with assets as state variable: interpreting capital gains and losses

Given a hamiltonian of the form: \begin{equation} H_{t} = ln(c_{t}) \dot{} e ^{-\rho t} + \lambda_{t}(w+ra_{t}-c_{t}), \end{equation} with $c_{t}$ consumption at time t (the control variable), $\rho &...
Wecon's user avatar
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