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12 votes
2 answers

Marshallian Demand for Cobb-Douglas

When trying maximize the utility having a cobb-douglas utility function $u=x_1^ax_2^b$, with $a+b = 1$, I found the following formulas (Wikipedia: Marshallian Demand): $x_1 = \frac{am}{p_1}\\ x_2 = \...
user1170330's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Does the Marshallian demand function always include prices and income?

I have the following utility function: $$U(x_i)=x_1x_2+x_3$$ with budget constraint: $$p_1x_1+p_2x_2+p_3x_3\leq I$$ I use the Kuhn-Tucker method to find the optimal choices of the Utility ...
Übel Yildmar's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Can $u(x) = \sqrt{x_1 x_2} + \sqrt{x_3 x_4}$ be solved by Kuhn–Tucker conditions?

Consider $\max_{x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4} u(x) = \sqrt{x_1 x_2} + \sqrt{x_3 x_4}$ s.t. $\; p_1x_1 + p_2x_2 + p_3x_3 + p_4x_4 \le w$ I know we can solve the max problem through separately considering ...
Yun's user avatar
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8 votes
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Overlaping jurisdictions model, Alesina Spolaore: Proof of Lemma 1; The Size of Nations

I've been reading the book 'The Size of Nations' by Alberto Alesina and Enrico Spolaore (can be found on the net if you know where to look) and I'm having trouble following their "proof" of ...
doge's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

GE with an intermediate good

intro I'm looking at a simple model with 1 consumer, 2 goods and 2 firms. I'm trying to get a price vector [p0, p1] that makes it work. By makes it work, I mean, ...
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Transformation Function

In Mas-Colell microeconomics textbook I have found that profit maximization problem (as well as many further optimization tasks) could be represented with application of some transformation function (...
Bogdan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Perfect substitutes and Lagrange

How does one solve utility maximization of perfect substitutes using Lagrangian function? Consider the problem $$\max_{x,y} ax +by $$ subject to the constraint that $$px + qy \leq I$$ where $a,b,p,q,...
Jesper Hybel's user avatar
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Estimating the second derivative of function from optimizers

Consider the following optimization $$x^*(s) = \max_{x\in X} \big(\,f(x)-sx\,\big)$$ where $f$ is assumed to be a strictly concave function and $X$ is an interval constraint, e.g $X = [0,b]$. We do ...
jonem's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Concave utility functions solution example

In the following post an example is given of the corner solution for a concave utility function. I tried solving it but got stuck. I have no idea how these types of problems are solved so if you could ...
Victor Yerz's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Concavity of Cobb-Douglass Utility Function on Non-Open set

My textbook argues that the Cobb-Douglass utility function $u=(x1)^a(x2)^b$ with $a,b>0$ and $a+b<1$ is concave on $R2+$ by computing the Hessian and showing it to be negative semidefinite for ...
Jacob Bak's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Solving a maximization problem by substitution when the constraint is in implicit form

I am trying to understand how the first order conditions for an interior solution of a maximization problem were derived using the substitution method. The problem is: $$\max\limits_{x\ge0,y\ge0}P(a-...
jlol's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

The formula for expansion path

Is there a way how to precisely compute the expansion path? I know a consumer's utility function $U(\boldsymbol{x})$, I know the budget constraint $\sum P_i x_i \leq M$, I am able to compute the ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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2 answers

setting of Lagrangian function

Consider a simple consumer's problem: Max $u(X)$ s.t. $\sum_i^l p_i x_i\leq \sum_i^l p_i w_i$ $w$ is initial endowment. We can set the Lagrangian function to solve this problem. $L=u(X)+\lambda ( \...
martian03's user avatar
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1 answer

Constrained Optimization with Multiple Constraints: Do multiple strictly positive multipliers imply a solution at a vertex?

This might be a bit of a silly question but I am interested in solving standard economic problems with many constraints and am wondering if there are any shortcuts. To preface suppose we have the ...
EconJohn's user avatar
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2 answers

Utility maximization for a household consisting of a woman and a man, with gender discrimination

Consider a household consisting of a woman and a man, with preferences over leisure and consumption given by: $U(\overrightarrow{c},\overrightarrow{l}) = \ln{c} + \ln{l^F} + \ln{l^M}$ where $\...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Indirect changes in Marshallian Demand

Suppose we have a Cobb-Douglas utility function: $$U(x,y)=x^\alpha y^\beta$$ and a budget constraint: $$p_{x}x+p_{y}y=I$$ where $\alpha+\beta=1$. It can be shown that the Marshallian demand for $x$ ...
Omrane's user avatar
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Externalities - First order conditions

I am currently reading the book "Microeconomics: Principles and Analysis" by Cowell on my own. I'm reading the externalities chapter, and i found an interesting example: There are just two firms: ...
user10699's user avatar
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Why is instantaneous utility of current period discounted?

Consider a two period model of consumption. I'm confused by the fact that in the optimum condition it is the marginal utility of the current period that is discounted, not the marginal utility of the ...
lyuboslaw's user avatar
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Kuhn-Tucker(KT) conditons EMP

How should I formally solve the expenditure min.problem (EMP) by using KT conditions? Since I should follow the notation of the Mas-Colell, I should write: $\min~$ $p \cdot x$ , s.t. $u(x) \ge u$ ...
Dimitru's user avatar
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0 answers

Is there a labor vs leisure model with work experience?

I find the labor-leisure model with utility functions interesting, but I find it lacks the factor of work experience, which is very important in the real life labor market. This is a reason people why ...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
3 votes
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Calculate optimal discount for product bundling

So recently I made some rules with my transaction data. Based on it I can determine which products are profitable to bundle it together. But even though I know e.g. product A→ product B, are there ...
3xphate's user avatar
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Constrained optimization for $u(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=\alpha \min \{a x_1, b x_2\} + \beta \min \{c x_3, d x_4 \}$ [duplicate]

Suppose preferences are represented by the following utility function \begin{equation} u(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=\alpha \min \{a x_1, b x_2\} + \beta \min \{c x_3, d x_4 \} \end{equation} Write the ...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
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Appropriate economic/econometric tools to analyze segmented promotion optimization problem

I'm trying to determine which micro-economic/econometrics concepts, models, and/or tools are appropriate for an analysis of promotions. Below I Describe the problem in general terms Give ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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Can be the duality theorem applied to not locally non-satiated utility functions?

I have the following not locally non-satiated utility function: $$U(x,y)=-(x-1)^2-(y-2)^2$$ where $U(x,y): \, \!R^n_+ \rightarrow \!R $ The 3D plot of this function is an infinite paraboloid; ...
Übel Yildmar's user avatar
2 votes
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Two-Stage Utility Maximization Problem

Actually I don't know how to solve such utility maximization problem, only know using FOC and budget constraint to solve for demand. I will appreciate it if someone tell me the procedure facing such ...
Barry's user avatar
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2 answers

Do standard consumer theory axioms rule out corner solutions?

By standard consumer theory axioms I mean (1) completeness, (2) transitivity, (3) continuity, (4) non-satiation, and (5) strict convexity of the indifference curves. If these axioms are not sufficient ...
Santiago Valdivieso's user avatar
2 votes
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Utility maximization question setting up.

Consider a consumer whose preferences can be represented by the following utility function: $$u(x_1,x_2)=\dfrac{x_2}{(1+x_1)^2}.$$ Assume the agent's income is $y=5$. The price of one unit ...
studentp's user avatar
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2 votes
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Question About Implicit Function Theorem and Comparative Statics - Mathematics for Economists by Simon and Blume Chapter 15 Exercise 32

I am studying Implicit Function Theorem and its application on comparative statics using Mathematics for Economists by Simon and Blume. Here is the question: Consider a pure exchange economy with two ...
Beerus's user avatar
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1 answer

Lagrangian multiplier and optimal bundle

I would like to know where I am wrong (if I am) and why I am wrong here please: If a consumer has an income of 600 euros to spend for good x (Px = 10 euros) and good y (Py = 5 euros). What is the ...
Bachir Messaouri's user avatar
2 votes
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In an intertemporal (2-period) consumption model, why is the investment rate independent of discount factor?

In lecture, my professor defined the following 2-period consumption model: $c_i = $ consumption in period $i$. $y =$ endowed income in period 1. $r = $ interest rate in perfect credit markets. $h = $ ...
azvecon's user avatar
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CV, EV for additive utility; confirm or deny

I'm currently a TA for a class and recently graded a midterm. I gave the answer key back to the teacher, after going over part of the exam in a study hall. I was going to go over the rest of it ...
Kitsune Cavalry's user avatar
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Find the Pareto Efficient set for 3 Leontiefs

I'm struggling with the following General Equilibrium exercise: Find the Pareto Efficient set for this Pure Exchange Economy; The consumers are $i = 1,2,3$ with these Leontief utilities: $u_i(x_{1i},...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Help with a proof for an quite intuitive Utility optimization problem

Assume $U(x,y,a,c )= - c x + B(x,y,a)$, with $\frac{\partial B(x,y,a)}{\partial c }=0$, and with $a$ and $c\geq 0$ being parameters, and with $x$ and $y$ being variables. Further, $B(x,y,a)$ is ...
Paul's user avatar
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Comparative Statics: Income Effect

Much of this is setting up the problem. So if you're familiar it's likely best to start from the very bottom and work up if needed. The question is asking about the income and substitution effect. ...
aisync's user avatar
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Is this Cost function concave or convex?

Given the following cost function, where t is the quantity of some product. $$C(t) = 1/3t^3 - 7t^2 +11t + 50$$ here is a graph between $t= 0$ and $t = 25$ We are asked if this function is convex or ...
C. Master's user avatar
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Show that First order conditions are necessary and sufficient for utility maximization

I have a budget set $$B=\{x=(x_1,x_2)\in R^2_+ \mid 2\sqrt{x_1}+x_2\le y\}$$ where $y>0$ is income. Assuming the preferences are strictly monotonic and convex, I want to show that first order ...
mnm123's user avatar
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Adding a non-binding constraint to the objective function

I am dealing with a constrained optimization problem found in Tirole's Theory of corporate finance. My question is not related to the details of this model, but just to provide some context, we are ...
jlol's user avatar
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Using lagrange on a quasi-concave utility function

A consumer has the following utility function $$u(x_1,x_2)=2x_1x_2+x_1+2x_2$$ I have maximized his utility function, and found its demand functions, for $x_1$ and $x_2$, using Lagrange. However, is it ...
Noah's user avatar
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Solving utility maximization, and finding demand function

A consumer has the following utility function $$u(x_1,x_2)=2x_1x_2+x_1+2x_2$$ I want to maximize his utility function. $$max: 2x_1x_2+x_1+2x_2. uc:p_1x_1+p_2x_2=y_A$$ Using Lagrange, I get $$L(x_1,...
Noah's user avatar
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Suppose $A$ is a $2x2$ matrix and ${\bf x}=(x_1, x_2)$. What does "$f(Ax)$ is supermodular" mean?

Suppose $A$ is a $2x2$ matrix, e.g., $A=\begin{vmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} \\ \end{vmatrix}$, and ${\bf x}=(x_1, x_2)$. Suppose $f()$ is continuous and twice differentiable. ...
opre's user avatar
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Intermediate macroeconomics: optimal bundle for quasilinear utility?

How would I go about solving this question: Assuming consumer's utility function is $U(C,L)=c+2l^{0.5}$, consumer earns a wage of 0.5/hour, $h=24$ and there is no real dividend and tax is $T=11$. ...
Nikitau's user avatar
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Proving quasi-concavity for a utility function

I have a utility function, and I want to prove that it is a quasi-concave function: $$ u(x_1,x_2)= 2x_1x_2+x_1+2x_2 $$ I do this by showing that the set of points where the utility is larger than or ...
Noah's user avatar
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Why does $\frac{MU_x}{P_x}=\frac{MU_y}{P_y}$?

I just started learning economics and the textbook says $\frac{MU_X}{P_X}=\frac{MU_Y}{P_Y}$ for a buyer with a fixed budget to spend on two goods, $X$ and $Y$. Let's say goods $X$ and $Y$ both cost $\\...
TFR's user avatar
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Have I found the correct Emission Price

Let's say that there is a hotel owner $(H)$ and a woodworker $(W)$ working in close proximity to one another. The woodworker produces $x$ units to sell at market at $p_{x}=6,5$. From the woodworking ...
MinaThuma's user avatar
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Editing formula for finding Marshallian Demand with Cobb-Douglas utility function

Suppose a utility function $u=x_1^ax_2^b$ with $a+b=1$. The following formula finds the values for $x$: $x_1 = \frac{am}{p_1}\\ x_2 = \frac{bm}{p_2}$ But what if the utility function looks like $u=...
user1170330's user avatar
2 votes
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Find cost function for given production function

I have the following production function $$f(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=max\{\min\{x_1, x_2), x_3+2x_4\}\}\ge q$$ And I want to find the cost function. What I think (1) $P_1+P_2 <P_3$ and $P_3/P_4<1/2$ ...
studentp's user avatar
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Perfect complement outputs with each output being composed of substitutable inputs

How does one solve the following maximization problem? $\underset{K_1, K_2, L_1, L_2}{\text{maximize }} min\{K_1 + L_1,K_2 + L_2\}$ subject to $c(K_1 + \mu K_2) + \beta c(L_1 + \mu L_2)$ where $c(...
damamaharaj's user avatar
1 vote
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Existence and uniqueness of demand, and symmetry implies equal demands given equal prices

Encountered the following problem during self study: My take on the problem is that if we can show that the equation of the income expansion path is $x_1=x_2$ for all such $U(x_1,x_2)$ then we have ...
mynameparv's user avatar
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Conditions to use the Lagrangian method

I have seen that the prices and $\text{MU}_{i}$ are assumed to be positive (or, the preferences monotonic). This is always mentioned when a utility maximization problem is being solved with the ...
not tdm's twin's user avatar
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Graphing indifference curves to visualize solutions?

I am having trouble with being able to graph indifference curves. This is a particularly important skill to have especially when trying to visualize corner solutions, and when the Lagrangian method ...
Kinno's user avatar
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