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Questions tagged [consumer-theory]

the study of consumer choice and its fundamental underpinnings in preferences and constraints.

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1 answer

Interior Solution for profit maximisation problem

A function $c: \mathbb{R}^K_+ \xrightarrow{} \mathbb{R}_+$ is is said to be a cost function if The value of function $c$ at $y = \textbf{0}$ is $0$: $c(\textbf{0}) = 0$ $c$ is continuous on the ...
Khánh Toàn's user avatar
4 votes
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Looking for an universal utility function

I'm trying to build a computer simulation of an economy which separate simulation for each household and I'm trying to figure out what utility function should I use to model the households behavior. I ...
kandi's user avatar
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2 answers

What does price embody ? Do we constantly undervalue some type of products?

I'm not sure to fully get the meaning of prices. If I understand well, there are two drivers of it : The theory of demand and supply and thus prices are driven partly by the utility that agents get ...
Swayer's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) provide a useful insight into how to manage the economy?

According to advocates of [Modern Monetary Theory][MMT] (MMT), the primary risk once the economy reaches full employment is inflation, which can be addressed by gathering taxes to reduce the spending ...
Slarty's user avatar
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Should free market consumers have the maximum information easily available?

As far as I know, free markets rely on well-informed consumers. If this is the case, shouldn't an efficient free market provide consumers as much information as possible about a product so that the ...
thosphor's user avatar
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0 votes
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max{x1,x2} where P1not=p2

I have seen min{x1,x2} functions representing perfect compliments but have never seen a max{x1,x2} function anywhere in my book or lectures, I also have never seen anything about p1 not equaling p2. ...
Amin Mazooji's user avatar
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General Equilibrium with Perfect Substitutes

I came across the following problem: The quantities of an economy’s only two goods are denoted by $X$ and $Y$; no production is possible. Ann’s and Ben’s preferences are described by the utility ...
Luca's user avatar
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graph of dependent income

I would need help with the following problem about consumer theory. Let us say that $X$ is the amount of days at the sea and $Y$ is the amount of days on the cottage. We have some utility function $u(...
Laura's user avatar
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2 answers

setting of Lagrangian function

Consider a simple consumer's problem: Max $u(X)$ s.t. $\sum_i^l p_i x_i\leq \sum_i^l p_i w_i$ $w$ is initial endowment. We can set the Lagrangian function to solve this problem. $L=u(X)+\lambda ( \...
martian03's user avatar
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How can I prove that a utility function does (or does not) satisfy diminishing MRS?

I have this CES utility function: $$U(f, c) = (f^\alpha + c^\alpha)^{1/\alpha},$$ with $\alpha > 0$. The problem set asks does it "satisfy the principle of diminishing marginal rate of ...
Duncan Marshall's user avatar
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Question on General Equilibrium: how to write offer curves?

QUESTION: Consider simple two-person, two-good economy in which agents’ utility functions are given by $U_1(x_{11}, x_{21}) = min\{x_{11}, x_{21}\} $, and $U_2(x_{12}, x_{22}) = min\{4x_{12}, x_{22}\}...
studentp's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Correct and complete characterisation of the Walrasian demand function

I would like to propose to you the following problem and my proposed solution. In particular, I am unsure in how to correctly characterize the Walrasian demand. Can you please have a look at it and ...
fennel's user avatar
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Boundary solutions in the Utility Maximization Problem

I'm trying to find boundary solutions for the following utility maximization problem, but i'm unsure on how to proceed. Here is the problem and what I got so far: $ \max x_1^\alpha + x_2 \qquad \text{...
fennel's user avatar
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Budget Set- closed and boundedness

I am fairly new to economics, and we were introduced to budget sets, The professor mentioned that the budget set $B(p,w) = \{x \in R^{l}_{+}: px \leq w\}$ is non empty and closed - I could prove the ...
Doubts's user avatar
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When is expenditure function non-decreasing?

I have to find parameters m and d for which expenditure function is non-decreasing and homogeneous of degree 1. My expenditure function is: I think that I should find ∂e/∂p which has to be >= 0 but ...
Azsb's user avatar
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2 answers

Integral solution (or a simpler) to consumer surplus - What is wrong?

Problem Given demand $D(p)=A-ap$, and $A,a>0$ and a fixed price $0<p_1<A/a$ by some company. Calculate the consumer surplus and its derivative with respect to $p$. What is this number? My ...
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5 votes
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Certainty equivalence when the utility is semi-continuous instead of continuous

Let $U:\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb R$ be a utility function. If $U$ is strictly increasing and continuous, then it is well known that for any $(x_1,x_2)$ there exists a certainty $(c,c)$ such that $$U(x_1,...
High GPA's user avatar
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A question from MWG 2F12

This question is from MWG if walrasian demand function is generated by a rational preference relation then it must satisfy weak axiom. I cannot prove this statement. How can I do?Thanks alot.
studentp's user avatar
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Who were the first economists arguing that utility maximization is the core of rationality and economic behavior?

I am looking for the first economists arguing that maximizing utility function is the iff condition of rational behavior. I've learned that neoclassical economics is founded on this argument. Is this ...
High GPA's user avatar
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Elasticity of intertemporal sustitution with composite CRRA function

In the usual CRRA $\frac{c^{1-\sigma}-1}{1-\sigma}$ function we have that the intertemporal elasticity of sustitution $\partial\frac{c_{t+1}}{{c_{t}}{\partial r}}$ is $\frac{1}{\sigma}$. But how can ...
mmendina's user avatar
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2 votes
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Proof on weak axiom of revealed preferences

I read the following statement. “ A utility maximizer with strictly convex and strongly monotonic preferences satisfies weak axiom of revealed preferences.” How can I prove or show this? I cannot ...
studentp's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Does transitivity qualify as a reason for Indifference curves intersecting each other?

Transitivity in preferences seems as a flawed concept because there might be a situation where A>B, B>C but A<C. Going by this analogy it seems that it does not qualify as a reason for ...
user135399's user avatar
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what is monotonicity and strict monotonicity in preferences?

I am really confused between monotonic preferences and strictly monotonic preferences, I saw some video and read certain answer where it is mentioned that the When preferences are monotone / weak ...
Anishka Mishra's user avatar
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Understanding the Choice Rule in MWG

I am reading the Microeconomics Theory book by MWG, and I am having a tough time interpreting what things mean to a real life example, so any help would be appreciated. For example, it gave this. ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

Marginal Rate of Substitution for perfect complements

I have come across the following problem: Determine the marginal rate of substitution MRS(x1, x2) at point (x1, x2) = (5,1) for the following function: u(x1, x2) = min(x1, x2). The solution is that ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 answers

Why doesn't Nintendo fire up the old factories and re-produce *exact* copies of many of their most popular games, controllers and consoles?

Let's suppose that Nintendo announce tomorrow that they are going to create exact re-releases of the American and European NES, SNES and Nintendo 64 consoles, exactly the same as when they were ...
Nacari L.'s user avatar
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Question about Strict Preference Relation

Strict Preference usually states that x is strictly preferred to y if : < x is weakly preferred to y and not y is weakly preferred to x >. Let me split the < > part into two segments: x ...
Robin311's user avatar
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Question about an interpretation of the MRS

Given the marginal rate of substitution of $x$ for $y$ : $\frac{u'(x)}{u'(y)} $ I know one can interpret this as the amount of $y$ one is willing to give up for an additional unit of $x$, or the ...
Steve's user avatar
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Proving that Marshallian demand is of the form: $x_i^*(p,I) = \hat{x}_i^*(p)I$ with certain conditions

Can I please have some feedback/help proving the following. My proof is below but I am quite uncertain as to whether my solution is efficient. Thank you. If $u(x)$ is a homothetic utility, then show ...
rudinsimons12's user avatar
4 votes
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Continuous logit models - random utility with uncountable choice set

This question is about the mathematical foundations of the continuous logit model, as derived in McFadden (1976) ( and Ben-Akiva et al (1985) ...
John's user avatar
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When the global optimal is outside of the constraint set, what will be the demand?

$u:\mathbb R^n\to\mathbb R$ is a quasi-concave utility function so the indifference curves are convex. $a,b\in\mathbb R^n$ are two points. Our budget set is the (one-dimensional) segment $[a,b]$ that ...
High GPA's user avatar
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Can implicit costs make every option not worth doing?

I'm new to microeconomics so sorry if this is simplistic, but if an action should only be taken when benefits > costs and opportunity costs are included in cost calculations, how would one deal ...
Jack's user avatar
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3 answers

Relation between demands of $x, y$ and $z$

Question: Consider a consumer with utility function $U(x,y,z)=y\min\{x,z\}$. The prices of all three goods are the same. The consumer has $100 to spend on these three goods.The demands will be such ...
MrAP's user avatar
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Generalizing demand for perfect substitutes utility function

I have the utility function: $U(x_1,...,x_n)=a_0+\sum_{i=1}^{n}a_ix_i\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;a_j\in\mathbb{R}_+ \;\;\forall j=\{0,...,n\}$ (maybe $a_0$ could be zero) $\sum_{i=1}^{n}a_i\in (0,K)\;\;\;$ ...
manifold's user avatar
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3 answers

Are Cobb-Douglas preferences monotone according to the marginal utility condition?

I understand that Cobb-Douglas preferences represented by $U(x,y)=x^ay^b$ are strictly monotonic, because increasing at least one of the goods in the bundle increases utility. However, another ...
PGupta's user avatar
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In an intertemporal (2-period) consumption model, why is the investment rate independent of discount factor?

In lecture, my professor defined the following 2-period consumption model: $c_i = $ consumption in period $i$. $y =$ endowed income in period 1. $r = $ interest rate in perfect credit markets. $h = $ ...
azvecon's user avatar
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4 votes
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Lotteries = probability distribution?

Are "lotteries" in the model for choice under uncertainty not just probability distributions?
Xenusi's user avatar
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Binary-continuous choice model in empirical consumer choices

There are quite a lot empirical research based on discrete choice models, in which the consumer selects one of J alternative goods to maximize her indirect utility. The key assumption of these models ...
RandomBear's user avatar
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Expenditure function. Prove that this set is bounded

I need to prove that the following set is bounded in order to derive the expenditure function: $e(p,v)=min_x px$ ST $\{x \in R^n_+$ such that $U(x)\geq v\}$. Knowing that $U(x):R^n \longrightarrow R$ ...
mmendina's user avatar
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Prove that budget constraint is Lower Hemi Continuos (LHC)

I need to prove that the following constraint is LHC. $B=\{x \in R^n : px\leqslant pw)$ But Im not capable of finding and sequence $\{x_n\}$ such that $x_n \in B(p_n,w_n) \forall n$ and that $x_n\...
mmendina's user avatar
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Does anybody knows where I should look for a proxy for consumption to estimate a two factor C-CAPM?

Has anybody seen, any textbook recommendation that refers to the proper proxy for consumption. I am trying to estimate a two factor consumption CAPM, namely we I add a second factor apart from ...
Hunger Learn's user avatar
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Does the duality of utility maximization and cost minimization hold in practice?

I recently learned about the relationship between utilization maximization and cost minimization. Are there studies on whether this duality holds in real life? Any information on this topic for a ...
StatsScared's user avatar
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Whether a good is a Giffen good should be based on circumstance?

The textbook example of a Giffen good is the potato during the Irish Potato Famine. It is characterised by a positive income effect that is larger than the negative substitution effect when the price ...
Tan Yong Boon's user avatar
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Mathematics of the income and substitution effects

I have recently been learning about the concept of utility and the indifference curve. I am having some problems understanding the effects on consumption of two goods $X$ and $Y$ of a change in the ...
Tan Yong Boon's user avatar
4 votes
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Price-consumption curve

Suppose a consumer whose income is $b$ has a utility function given by $U(x,y) = 2xy+y^2$ with the price of $x$ being $p_x$ and the price of $y$ being $p_y$. Draw the price-consumption curve assuming ...
Pedro Cunha's user avatar
3 votes
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Marshalian and Hickisian Demands and Slutsky Equation

everyone. I have the following question: A consumer has the following indirect utility function: $ V(p_1,p_2,b) = (p_2k-b)p_1^{-1} \left[ \frac{2p_2k - 2b}{p_2} \right]^{-2}, x_2 < k$ a) Find ...
Pedro Cunha's user avatar
1 vote
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How has decreasing quality (or the need to pay more for the same quality) tracked with inflation?

I'm trying to identity a missing variable that could affect poor and middle class consumers more than more wealthy/resourceful individuals. Assuming that there are decisions regarding cost reductions ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
-2 votes
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Cobb-Douglas function homotheticity

I've been given the Cobb-Douglas utility function: $\ u(q_1, q_2)=a\ln q_1+b\ln q_2=q_1^aq_2^b \ $ If I want to prove homothetic preferences, I use the following condition: $\ u(\lambda q_1, \...
Anon's user avatar
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How do I derive the aggregate demand function given two utilities functions?

Assume that we have two people with the same utility function of $U_i = x^{1/2} + y^{1/2}$ where $i=1,2$ and $I_i$ is the income. Let $P_x$ denote price of good $x$ and $P_y$ denote price of good $y$. ...
user25621's user avatar
3 votes
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Empirical tests for symmetry of cross-price elasticities

It is a well known fact in consumer theory that for a Hicksian demand curve the cross-price elasticity of good $i$ with respect to the price of good $j$ equals the cross-price elasticity of good $j$ ...
UtilityMaximiser's user avatar

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