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Why people buy foreign bonds when foreign interest rate raises?

I'm reading Investopedia's How National Interest Rates Affect Currency Values and Exchange Rates to understand how interest rates affect exchange rates. It says: Generally, higher interest rates ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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Large quantity sale of CNY at current currency value

Some company wants to sell large quantity of CNY and buy USD on Forex. Let current currency value is 1 CNY = 0.14 USD at the time moment on Forex. When company sell large quantity of CNY, money supply ...
Mike_bb's user avatar
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Why did the Iranian Rial peak suddenly on 1 August 2014?

Search Iranian Rial and click on Max above the chart. Iranian Rial to Pound Sterling: Why did the Iranian Rial peak suddenly on August 1st 2014?
user41154's user avatar
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How does US inflation impact dollarized nations?

For instance, would a high inflation rate on the US have any impact on countries that use the US dollar as their only legal tender, eg Ecuador or El Salvador? I often hear that high US inflation will ...
StatsScared's user avatar
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Monetary sterilization’s working is wrong?

Say, there is an increase in demand for dollars (as compared to the other currency, say yen), which will put appreciation pressures on dollar. Then to counter this appreciation, we need to buy yen. ...
Polime's user avatar
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How are the rates between two currencies (fiat and cryptocurrecies) determined? [duplicate]

How are the exchange rate between two countries determined? For example how is exchange rate between the dollar and the euro established? My guess is it has to do with some form of demand/supply but I ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
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The impact of a devaluation of the national currency under a fixed exchange rate system

I would really be thankful if any of you could check my answer to the following question. Question: Describe, using the IS-LM-BP model, the impact of a devaluation of the national currency under a ...
Blg Khalil's user avatar
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Dynamics of interest rates, exchange rates and bond prices within the UIP

There are already a few questions about the workings of the UIP and the exchange rate. What I have basically taken from those discussions is that one always has to distinguish between the spot rate ...
Luca's user avatar
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How do you read currency exchange rates in terms of domestic and foreign currency?

I am having some issues understanding how to read exchange rates. E is the exchange rate I read online that if we have for example E\$/€, then the base currency in this case is the dollar and the ...
Sara Saletti's user avatar
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Meaning of Exchange rate

Does exchange rate of local currency relative to US dollar mean LOC/USD or USD/LOC ?
Azsb's user avatar
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How does interest rate impact exchange rate?

When I’m using the forward exchange rate formula based on non-arbitrage theory, it tells me that a positive interest rate spread (i_domestic > i_foreign)would cause the forward exchange rate(units of ...
DRY MARTINI T's user avatar
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What negative effects would result from globally fixing currency exchange rates?

Assuming one had the power to enact such a wide-ranging change, what would the negative effects of fixing the exchange rates between all currencies at the current rates, or the mean of the last week/...
Chris of the Coffee's user avatar
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The Crisis of Argentina

newbie here. Q1 - What needs to be done by the Argentinian government for their currency to regain back its strength? Q2 - Why has the Argentine Peso depreciated against the U.S Dollar for more than ...
Neeko's user avatar
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Exposure of two companies in a transaction involving an FX option

An American company $A$ has sold a manufactured product to a German company $B$, and they agree for the payment of 100,000 EUR in 1 year. What type of exposure does $B$ have? What type of exposure ...
sound wave's user avatar
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How does imposing 100 percent cash margin requirement on imports help to stabilize foreign exchange reserves of a country?

My country is facing a critical depreciation of its currency's exchange rate and the central bank has introduced a 100 percent cash margin requirement on a selected set of imports. My main problem is ...
Pasan W.'s user avatar
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Mechanics of Sterilized Intervention?

I'm looking to see if someone can help improve my understanding of sterilized intervention in FX markets. My intuition/understanding is: Assume that the domestic currency is depreciating, perhaps ...
MGwynne's user avatar
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Theoretical market capitalisation of a crypto currency?

Here’s the context. I want to know what the theoretical market capitalisation (say eg $US / Bitcoin times Q the number of coins - it doesn’t have to be Bitcoin) of a crypto currency? Assume that the ...
Christian's user avatar
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Who determines the exchange rate and how?

I have almost no knowledge about economics. However, a question always comes in my mind. How exchange rate really differ? I live in Bangladesh. So how, why, who changing BDT and US Dollar exchange ...
again's user avatar
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Why imports increase if higher relative inflation?

I'm reviewing a previous AP Macroeconomics exam and I saw the following question: The United States and South Korea are trading partners, and the United States has a zero current account balance. ...
rb612's user avatar
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How should I adjust data for both inflation and foreign exchange rate?

I’m not sure if this is typically done, but suppose my data point is in 2013 JPY and I want to express in 2016 USD. Do I apply CPI to express data in 2016 JPY, and then apply exchange rate to 2016 USD?...
jkoe's user avatar
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Currency triplets - arbitrage opportunity?

I have three currency pairs - USDEUR - 0.88, USDINR - 67.13 and EURINR - 75.88 , so simple math tells me that EURINR should be USDINR/USDEUR = 76.28 ...this is a fairly significant deviation from an ...
Vikram Murthy's user avatar