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Questions tagged [money-supply]

Use for questions primarily related to the stock of money, either narrow money (MB or M0), and broad money (M1, M2, etc). This can also be used in questions related to the creation of money by governments and central banks, including questions related to models with a money market like IS-LM, where the supply is of importance.

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The cantillon Effect asumes that money is not nutral right?

I am a austrian high school student and as a part of our final exams we have to write a small scintific paper. I decided to write about the Cantillon Effect and its implications and realised that ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 answer

Does money supply growth minus inflation measure economic growth?

Does the difference between growth in money supply and growth in the price level tell us something meaningful about economic growth? Is there some type of accounting equality or economic theory that ...
Betterthan Kwora's user avatar
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Where is the recent increase in US M2 coming from?

First off, I'm not an economist, I'm just trying to understand how the global monetary system actually works, so I might get some things wrong here. The US M2 money supply has been growing for the ...
user142's user avatar
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When inflation expectations cause inflation, where does the corresponding money supply come from?

One cause given for inflation is inflation expectations. When firms expect inflation, they raise prices and employees demand increased wages However, this additional money in the economy must come ...
user49920's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What results in the money supply permanently increasing over the long term?

So, from what I understand, some ways in which the central bank increases the money supply is through Open market operations/buying government bonds: But eventually the bonds mature, and the money is ...
user49822's user avatar
2 votes
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How Refinancing is changing the debt structure in the economy

QE impact on wealth creation and credit as documentd by DeMaggio et. al. (2017) and DeMaggio et. al. (2020). Lower rates reduced monthly payment about 52% ($900) on reset, thereby increasing ...
ps12345's user avatar
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Savings when money market is in equilibrium (LM curve in IS-LM model)

When the money market is in equilibrium, supply of real money balances is equal to the money people hold in hand as liquidity, right? Which means entire real money balance is at hand as liquidity (...
Nipuna Saranga's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What are examples where MMT hasn't worked in practice

I was reading the book In This Economy by Kyla Scanlon. When she talks about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), she writes: This [MMT] is a good idea in theory, but in practice, it hasn't worked out. ...
Larry Freeman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What are exported inflation and imported inflation?

I read in some articles that there are such notions as "exported inflation" and "imported inflation". But it was not written about in detail. What are exported inflation and ...
Mike_bb's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why didn't M1 grow much during 1970s inflation?

One of the most widely cited reasons for the '70s stagflation was expansionary monetary policy employed by the central bank. Below is M1 during this time period (source), and it does not look like ...
A. Shultz's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Why must goods in the country will be purchased with the entire money supply in the country?

In russian books it's written that there is balance between commodities and money. And this balance guarantees that all goods in the country will be purchased with the entire money supply in the ...
Mike_bb's user avatar
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Money supply question

If relative interest rates in US dollars compared to other countries currencies go up assuming everything else stays the same does this automatically decrease the money supply? At first you would ...
Erin Brennan's user avatar
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1 answer

Could Gaza have been "one of the wealthiest states on the Mediterranean"?

According to this transcript, (I don't have access to the original interview), Robert Kennedy told Krystal Ball: The international aid agencies have given Hamas, have given Gaza more than 10 times ...
YouDontSay's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Money creation - why do we need deposits and why do banks give out money? [duplicate]

Currently studying elementary economics but there's this one concept that I'm struggling to wrap my head around at the moment: money creation. The way I understand it, banks can create money "out ...
l337n00b's user avatar
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Good books on money creation and monetary theory?

I just finished reading "Where does money come from?" (Ryan-Collins) on how commercial banks create the bulk of the money supply, and I am still hungry for more material that will help me ...
dreamerboy's user avatar
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Why would bank runs lead to a decrease of the total quantity of money supply M1?

It‘s specifically about the German banking crisis of 1931. I get how the banks increasing their reserves and cutting their loans (starting 1930) would cause money contraction (at least of M1). Doesn‘t ...
Iris L's user avatar
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Is there a global flow of income?

If I understand the circular flow of income correctly, we can visualize money moving around the country in exchange for goods and services. Sources of money are the central bank (MB) and the financial ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where is the central bank in the circular flow of income?

In the five-sector breakdown of the circular flow of income (below), we account for leakages and injections from the financial, government and overseas sectors. My understanding is that the government ...
user avatar
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2 answers

How do bonds & shares relate to the money supply?

Non-eocnomist here. I'm trying to understand how money works, and what "money supply" means. I understand about how banks take deposits and lend them out, turning short term loans (the ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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How do write downs impact the money supply?

This is a bit of a mix of micro and macroeconomics, but someone asked me how write-downs would impact the money supply this week. I didn't have a good answer. Usually, this isn't that big of a deal. ...
turbonate's user avatar
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What's exactly the T/Y value in the Quantity Theory of money simplified equation: MV=PT or MV=PY?

I understood the basic fundamental principle of the theory, that all things being equal, a change in the money supply affects price level. Yet, now I am trying to understand this statement ‘ The QTM ...
EBUFF01's user avatar
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2 answers

Where did the money supply go?

The money supply went from about \$4 trillion in 2020 to about $20 trillion today. Where did all that money go? When the money supply went from about \$1.4 trillion to about $1.7 trillion, I was ...
QuietInMontana's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

If the interest rate is increased to limit inflation, doesn't that increase the money supply?

If the interest rate is increased to limit inflation, doesn't that increase the money supply? Because one year later, 5% of the total bond will need to be created and put into circulation. This, in ...
Stefanie Gauss's user avatar
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Large quantity sale of CNY at current currency value

Some company wants to sell large quantity of CNY and buy USD on Forex. Let current currency value is 1 CNY = 0.14 USD at the time moment on Forex. When company sell large quantity of CNY, money supply ...
Mike_bb's user avatar
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How to prove that an increase in the money supply leads to devaluation of the currency?

In one article I've read that increase in the money supply leads to inflation and exchange rate change. For example, if we have double increase in the money supply then we'll have double change in ...
Mike_bb's user avatar
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What happens to the money supply when a bank is allowed to go bust

I'd like to ask this question in two different ways just to help clarify the issues. Scenario 1. There is no deposit insurance and the central bank take no special action in response to the bank ...
Mick's user avatar
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Bank loans are often offered as a mechanism of money creation--but how is money created long term?

I've been reading on money creation. Bank loans are often cited as a mechanism of money creation: working based on fractional reserves, banks issue loans to the public based on deposits, thereby "...
eriophora's user avatar
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How would a Central Bank Digital Currency be different from a private bank deposit?

Both are digital, both can be transferred digital, and both are denominated in the same currency. A CBDC is "a direct liability of the central bank, rather than of private banks or coin issuers&...
ras's user avatar
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3 answers

Money Creation Confusion

I've been studying money creation recently and have come across some contradictory statements and different types of theories that I'd like to clear up. The classical theory of money creation which ...
ayazasker's user avatar
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2 answers

How can Real GDP increase while Money Supply remains fixed?

I'm studying the Money Market Graph with it's Money Demand and Money Supply curves. In the classical model they teach the Money Demand curve as sloping down to the right while the Money Supply curve ...
ayazasker's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Does demand decrease when supply increases? [closed]

I’ve been reading about supply and demand and I don’t know if I’m misinterpreting, but it seems like what they’re saying is that when the quantity supplied of something increases, the quantity ...
Anthony Fallone's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How exactly is money supply related to the price of goods and services?

I keep hearing that prices of goods and services are based on the money supply, so, for example, if there was only one good or service in the entire economy, that good or service would be worth the ...
Anthony Fallone's user avatar
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1 answer

Are there valid concerns of USD hyperinflation post stimulus?

This article The Dollar Endgame is probably one of many doomsday predictions that exist, but there were a few points mentioned that were new to me and seemed scary: "Debt virtually always has a ...
benjamin deworsop's user avatar
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2 answers

How can debt be larger than gdp? [closed]

government is taking debt because they spend it all at once and pay it over time so if you spend all at once there will be increase in gdp(multiple increase in gdp as money changes hands multiple ...
user43223's user avatar
2 votes
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What are these yearly spikes in the Russian Money Supply?

During a school project, I realized there are these consistent annual spikes in the Russian money supply chart. Any one know what these are?
Pears's user avatar
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What have banks mostly done with their "excess reserves" obtained during QE

I put excess reserves in quotes because I know that in many countries there are no reserve requirements, so what I really mean by "excess reserves" is reserves in excess of what banks like ...
Mick's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How does lending “create” money? [duplicate]

I keep hearing that when banks loan money, it creates money and increases the money supply. But this confuses me. Wouldn’t the money have to have already been created in order for them to lend it in ...
Anthony Fallone's user avatar
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Is there any graph that shows how the gold and silver content decreased in roman coins?

I am looking for a graph of at least a table with data that would allow me to make a graph, showing how the gold/silver content was slowly removed from roman coins due to debasement of the currency.
Ezekiel's user avatar
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Q question on the components of the $M_1$ component of money supply

The $M_1$ component of the money supply is given by the sum of the value of money held by the public+the demand deposits in the country + other deposits(money of other government institutions held by ...
math and physics forever's user avatar
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Central bank balance sheets and money supply balances

I've compared the central bank balance sheets of many countries and I've found some numbers strange for me. The balance sheet of a central bank should include all the assets on one side and all the ...
SPS's user avatar
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Does printing more money necessarily lead to inflation?

Does printing more money necessarily lead to inflation? For instance, if the money supply increased, but the money just sat around and wasn’t distributed to people, would that still cause inflation? ...
Anthony Fallone's user avatar
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Question about quantity theory of money

I have a question regarding the infographic above. It says demand for money rises when money supply is low and demand for money reduces when money supply is high. Why exactly is that the case? Why ...
Anthony Fallone's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible for the stock market to beat inflation forever?

Just a few thoughts on the possibility of markets beating inflation in the long, long term (say, hundreds of years). I am a theoretical physicist, not an economist, so please forgive my ignorance. I ...
don't train ai on me's user avatar
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How does the central bank reduce money supply by selling bonds if the buyer of the bonds can use bonds as currency?

When the central bank wants to reduce the money supply, it can sell bonds. That way, the money supply reduces by the amount paid for the bonds. The buyer will have bonds instead of cash. The bonds can ...
Flux's user avatar
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How does debt-financed public infrastructure spending stimulate the economy if money supply is unchanged?

When a national government embarks on public infrastructure projects to stimulate the economy, the money spent on the infrastructure projects increases the money supply. However, if the projects are ...
Flux's user avatar
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GBP Currency Crisis - Forex supply and demand affecting exchange rates

Reading this article on Why China Buys US Treasury Bonds I understand the notion of supply and demand affecting a currency value against the other and how they need to buy up the excess dollars they ...
morleyc's user avatar
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3 answers

How exactly do interest rates affect the money supply?

For context, here is the graphic that my question is based on: It says when interest rates are low, an employee paid 100 dollars will spend all 100 dollars, and when interest rates are high, an ...
Anthony Fallone's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do Foreign Investments by Central Banks increase the Money Supply of an Economy?

Trying to understand if "money supply" and "currency in circulation" apply only to the money within the borders of the country or does it also include its money in foreign nations ...
Man Dem's user avatar
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Why the increase in bank loans is not reflected in increasing money supply?

In the US banking system, according to what I was able to understand, the way to increase the money supply (MS) is via commercial banks loans ( I suppose it includes loans to the government but in any ...
discipulus's user avatar
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Where can we find M2 (or M1) data breakdown by wealth percentiles?

(this question refers to the US only) We have official data on M2 by the Fed, but, if I understand correctly, this M2 data includes even bank deposits of firms/corporations where I am after the ...
discipulus's user avatar

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