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D J Sims
  • Member for 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

Why did the Greek GDP grow so fast between 2002 and 2004?

2 votes

Implications of declining money velocity

2 votes

How do excessive foreign reserves cause inflation?

2 votes

How are trade deficits financed?

1 vote

Can a country's default on internal debt affect the rates of the external debt?

1 vote

Under what conditions does market failure occur?

1 vote

Which regression technique is used for calculating price elasticity in practice

1 vote

Estimating the cost of an assett that needs to be replenished

1 vote

How to distinguish Full-time (FT) employment and Part-time (PT) employment when calculating employment rate?

1 vote

Capital stock depreciation rate, how to calculate?

1 vote

We see stocks outperforming things like bonds in the long run (past 100 years), but could this be an artifact of that particular 100 year timeline?

1 vote

Are markets inherently short sighted?

1 vote

What is Islamic Banking?

1 vote

Is Iranian rial going to get boosted?

0 votes

How to find price elasticity in the following demand system?

0 votes

The Oil hike of the 2000's: Did it go unnoticed, and why?

0 votes

Can a currency with constraints on the amount a person can posses boost the economy?

0 votes

What does the distribution of the savings rate in America look like?

0 votes

What are the economic consequences of discounting deferred tax liability?

0 votes

Russian ruble drop in value due to low oil prices

0 votes

The relationship between structural budget balance and cyclically adjusted budget balance?

0 votes

What percentage of UK imports/exports were with the EU in the economic year 2015-2016?

0 votes

Return on Assets vs Return on Investment

0 votes

How are shell companies used for tax evasion?

0 votes

Repercusions of fabricated GDP (China)

-1 votes

GNI versus GNP for Measuring Development

-1 votes

Which foreign workers in USA who send remittances to family are getting the best bang for their buck?

-1 votes

Why do government jobs provide better benefits than industry jobs?

-1 votes

How can economies grow if every account is perfectly balanced against others?

-1 votes

Doesnt the fact that cash reserves go down in recessions contradict Keynesianism?