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Questions tagged [economic-measurement]

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1 vote
0 answers

How can we measure bias in content recomendation systems?

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this (maybe I should ask a statistics forum?). I want to know whether there has been any good work for econometrics people about measuring bias in content ...
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2 answers

Calculate Gross Private Product from standard metrics

Is it possible to calculate GPP given commonly available data like GDP and government expenditure? The example in this Wikipedia article seems to suggest those two alone are enough. Would nominal GDP ...
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0 answers

Can a financial institution's headquarters location misrepresent service sector GDP in other regions?

In calculating GDP using the output approach, can a financial institution's headquarters location misrepresent the service sector's contribution to GDP in other regions? For example, imagine a ...
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0 answers

Value of a forecast

I am looking for quantitative measures for the value of a forecast. A forecast is more valuable to me if it tells me things that are not already implied by the conventional knowledge todate, and the ...
6 votes
3 answers

Regression on individual vs collapsed data

Lots of analysis in the US collapse CPS or Census data and run regressions on the group means. I wonder why not run the regression on the individual data? Absent measurement error, should we expect ...
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1 answer

The application of integration by parts involving the lorenz curve

I'm reading Atkinson's "On the measurement of inequality" and I'm having difficulties understanding how this paper is arriving at certain outcomes, using integration by parts. Let me first ...
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1 answer

Accounting for household work in the GDP

It is often told that domestic work is not included in the GDP estimates due to difficulty in measuring them. I wanted to know if there are any advances in measuring this, or any alternatives that ...
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1 answer

Measuring growth rate when values are negative

I am studying nightlights data and trying to model cross-sectional convergence in nightlights in India. However data has some stray light corrections, which has made some of the measurements below ...
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0 answers

Is the rent we get from firms and households treated the same while calculating gdp [duplicate]

When we rent out our land to firm,they use that land to produce goods and services,so the money we earn is a factor income but my question is that when we rent out our land to people,who don't use it ...
8 votes
1 answer

Why is the percentage of Australian businesses that don't have any employees so high?

I'm trying to understand this Australian Bureau of Statistics release, which says: In June 2014, 61% of actively trading businesses in Australia had no employees, 27% had 1-4, 10% had 5-19, 2% ...
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2 answers

What is the best observable proxy for the instantaneous risk-free market interest rate?

I am exploring a number of different models using daily data, of the US economy, and am trying to gather up observable proxies for some of the most important macro and micro variables, and surveying ...
12 votes
2 answers

$1.25 PPP per day poverty threshold - What precisely does it mean?

As Wikipedia states: In 2008, the World Bank came out with a revised figure of $1.25 at 2005 purchasing-power parity (PPP). (Update: In 2015, this was updated to $\$1.90$ at 2015 PPP.) Wikipedia ...
0 votes
1 answer

GDP versus GNP. Which is a better gauge of a country's economy size and prosperity?

Country A's GDP is larger than Country B's GDP. However, Country B's GNP is larger than Country A's GNP. Which country has a stronger economy? Which country's citizens is more likely to enjoy ...
2 votes
1 answer

Measuring quantities for price indices?

I'm confused about how one acquires the data necessary to compute price indices--specifically, how one acquires quantity data. Suppose I wanted to compute the Laspeyres Index, defined as $\sum\...
7 votes
6 answers

What are alternative measures of risk?

In finance, the variance of the returns of a security are used as a proxy for the associated risk of the security. I've seen some books include sentences like "if you take variance as a measure of ...
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1 answer

What makes statistics economical reports so varied and different?

Search for Iran's GDP in Google, and what you will see is an image representing GDP of Iran, compared to other neighbor countries. It gives us the value of 393.4 ...
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1 answer

History of Macroeconomic Measurements before GDP

What is the earliest mention of any type of macroeconomic measure? I know proto-economist William Petty coined the Term GDP but was there any other measurement used before then to determine the ...
7 votes
1 answer

Mythbusters - Determine optimal boarding strategy based on time and satisfaction score

Most airlines board passengers starting from the back of the plane and then working their way towards the front (after boarding priority classes and passengers). In an episode of Mythbusters, Adam ...
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1 answer

Debt-to-GDP or Debt-to-Revenue?

Which is a better measure of the health of an economy between Debt-to-GDP and Debt-to-Revenue? Why?
3 votes
0 answers

Transportation models in economics

How would one go about modelling the effectiveness of public transportation? More specifically how does one go about comparing two transit systems in terms of their ability to move a larger numbers of ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can changes in the value of money be measured via interest rates and future contracts?

For most goods, we can compare the value of them by how people trade them. If in a free market, 10 apples can be traded for 20 oranges, then apples are twice as valuable as oranges. Likewise, if 10 ...
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1 answer

Definition of market to book value?

What is the difference between (market value of equity/book value of equity) ratio and (market value of assets/book value of assets) ratio? In my opinion both measure fairly the same? Is this correct?...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a change over the business cycle in how much of economic activity is market-based?

Out of the total production in an economy, a big part is market-based, as when you make something and sell it. But a big part is not, as when you make something and don't sell it, but exchange it or ...
2 votes
1 answer

Measuring demand for banking services - (Maximum) Market Size

I am in need of a variable measuring "demand for banking services" in general, on a country level. Specifically the (maximum) size of the market for banking services for a given country. This will be ...
3 votes
1 answer

What would be the GDP of Algeria without Oil & Gas?

Facts : *Algeria's GDP is 230 B$, *Oil & Gas account for 30% (70 B$) My simplistic reasoning would say : Substract 70 from 230 and get a new GDP of 160 B$. ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is considered a "final product" for gross domestic product?

Given a territory and a time range, the gross domestic product is the sum of all the values added. The term “value added” is open to interpretation. Since the value added of a product or service is ...